

3 years ago
#21591 Quote
  • 17
todor.atanasov wrote:
Possible malware in plugin.
An phone number “800...” is getting changes on browser display to a totally different number.
The database is not being affected the valid 800 number is still the good one in the Database.
I have tried on several browser and different Computer and the issue remains. However when I disable the theme the phone number return to normal.
Anybody have an idea?


Could you please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with the exact steps to replicate the issue, so we can investigate this?

I can no longer access the ticket system, the site requiers to repurchase...
[email protected]
2 years ago
#22019 Quote
  • 1
I have a bug on a multi-store site (3 stores), using the Smart Product Collections plugin.

When adding a category to the "Category Product Collection" for Store 1, the collection will display on Store 1 and 2 (and vice versa). If I complete the same steps for Store 3, then the category only displays on Store 3 as expected.