
different content for each product

12 years ago
#1799 Quote
  • 46

i have a book store and i want to have a custom tab named : behind the scene from the writer.
i created a custom tab,
but then i realized that every product will have a different content in this tab,
can i do that with quick-tabs ?
can quick-tabs get the value (the content) of a product field and not a constant text ?

if not, can you suggest how can i do that (except of having many many custom tabs, each one will be link to one product - that means numerous tabs...)

12 years ago
#1811 Quote
  • 46
anyone ?

i already bought the extension, so i appreciate your support.

12 years ago
#1818 Quote
  • 1570
shayt wrote:

i have a book store and i want to have a custom tab named : behind the scene from the writer.
i created a custom tab,
but then i realized that every product will have a different content in this tab,
can i do that with quick-tabs ?
can quick-tabs get the value (the content) of a product field and not a constant text ?

if not, can you suggest how can i do that (except of having many many custom tabs, each one will be link to one product - that means numerous tabs...)


Hi Shay,

The only way to do this is to reuse some of the already existing product properties i.e Short Description. So you can add you product specific data in the short description of the product and then create a tab called "behind the ..." that will use the product short description.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards
Regards, Team
12 years ago
#1819 Quote
  • 46
ok, that's might be good,
how can i insert the content from short description to my new custom tab ?
12 years ago
#1827 Quote
  • 269
shayt wrote:
ok, that's might be good,
how can i insert the content from short description to my new custom tab ?

Hi Shay,

To add the content go to Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/ProductTab/_ProductTabs.cshtml.
Open the view and go to line 203. Under the comment add the following code:
<li><a href="#tab-CustomTab">@T("CustomTab")</a> </li> 

After that go to line 216 and under the comment add the following code:

<div id="tab-CustomTab">

Now you need to go to the Administration of your website Configuration=>Languages, click View string resources next to your language and click the Add new record button.
The Resource name property should be CustomTab and the value is the name of your tab in your language. After that click on the Insert button and you are ready.

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
12 years ago
#1835 Quote
  • 46
ok, that was easy,
unfortunately, i thought by understand how to do that, i will succeed doing it for other things i wanted,
but no...

so my questions are -
1. can i put the product tags inside a quick-tab ?
2. i don't want to use ShortDescription (because i am using it), can i use AdminComment ?
(i tried, but i failed)

12 years ago
#1872 Quote
  • 46
shayt wrote:
ok, that was easy,
unfortunately, i thought by understand how to do that, i will succeed doing it for other things i wanted,
but no...

so my questions are -
1. can i put the product tags inside a quick-tab ?
2. i don't want to use ShortDescription (because i am using it), can i use AdminComment ?
(i tried, but i failed)


i still don't have a clue how to insert a different text for each product in one quick-tab.

another option - in version 2.80 i can create a custom attribute,
can a specific attribute (only one) can be the content of a quick tab ??

11 years ago
#3969 Quote
  • 2
Hi Ivan Stoyanov,
I am using 3.0 Quick Tabs plugin and I need to show generic attribute value from the variant in the custom tabs, please advise me how to go about that?
