
Enlarge the logo

[email protected]
6 years ago
#15026 Quote
  • 4
Hello, I needed to enlarge the logo, is it somehow done in setup or command?
6 years ago
#15027 Quote
  • 172
[email protected] wrote:
Hello, I needed to enlarge the logo, is it somehow done in setup or command?

Hello [email protected],

if you need to enlarge the logo you need to upload a bigger image and then add the following code to your theme`s Custom Head Styles section (it located in your admin panel -> Nop-templates -> Themes -> Emporium -> Settings):

@media all and (max-width: 1024px) {
     .mobile-logo .logo {
           width: auto;
           height: auto;
     .mobile-logo img {
          position: static;
          top: 0;
          left: 0;
          -webkit-transform: none;
          -ms-transform: none;
          transform: none;

@media all and (min-width: 1025px) {
     .header-lower:after {
          content: '';
          display: block;
          clear: both;
     .header-logo {
          max-width: 20%;
     .header-logo a img {
           max-height: none;

However, I need to warn you that in the Emporium theme we have intentionally restricted the logo size to always fit the header and if you make it larger it might cause layout issues.

Hope this was helpful.
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov
[email protected]
6 years ago
#15030 Quote
  • 4
Thank you.