
Menu on mobile devices

6 years ago
#15064 Quote
  • 1
I have a question if this is possible to do:

Current behavior:
When we scroll down (on mobile devices) menu disappear and when you scroll up it appear again. I revived feedback from client that they have problem to see it.

Expected behavior:
When you scroll down or up - menu should be displayed always. Can you give me some hint how to do that ?

This is possible also to change color of that menu only on mobile for darkens (on site I'm using light one)?
6 years ago
#15071 Quote
  • 172
svm wrote:
I have a question if this is possible to do:

Current behavior:
When we scroll down (on mobile devices) menu disappear and when you scroll up it appear again. I revived feedback from client that they have problem to see it.

Expected behavior:
When you scroll down or up - menu should be displayed always. Can you give me some hint how to do that ?

This is possible also to change color of that menu only on mobile for darkens (on site I'm using light one)?

Hello svm,

to show the mobile menu at all times, you can add the following code to your theme`s Custom Head Styles section:

.mobile.nav-top .responsive-nav-wrapper.nav-up {
    -webkit-transform: none;
    transform: none;

As for changing its color, you can also add the following code:

.mobile .responsive-nav-wrapper {
    background: #YOUR_COLOR !important; /* use the HEX code for the color you want */

Hope this was helpful.
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov