
IE Issue - Back button causes filter selections to reset

12 years ago
#1828 Quote
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We are seeing an issue when a user makes filtering choices and then goes to the item detail page and then uses the browser back button to return to the grid view.

If using Firefox, the browser back button takes the user back to the previous page and the filter selections and items shown are as expected. (Works Properly)

If using IE, the browser back button takes the user back to the previous page and the filter selections are all reset and the items shown are reset.

Any way to resolve this IE specific issue?

In a perfect world, both Nop and the Nop Ajax Filters plug-in would use a cookie or something to keep track of the user's sort order, items per page and all the various filtering selections made so they all remained 'sticky' for the user not only from page to page but also across logins (as an optional setting). Maybe someday.

For now, If we could at least get IE to not blow away the filtering selections just from the back button, it would be a step ahead.
12 years ago
#1829 Quote
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After doing some digging it turns out this seems to be a pretty common issue with IE and Ajax pages.

There are numerous plug-ins for jQuery and etc. to work around the problems when using IE with Ajaxified pages - most using window hashcode calls.

It would be awesome to see one of the various plug-ins baked into Nop Ajax Filters as it would solve the IE issue and could also make things better in other browsers.

A quick Google search on 'ie back button ajax' will return 1,030,000 results on the topic and it's easy to go from there...

This would be an awesome improvement to Nop Ajax Filters.
12 years ago
#1832 Quote
  • 1570
mediastorm wrote:
After doing some digging it turns out this seems to be a pretty common issue with IE and Ajax pages.

There are numerous plug-ins for jQuery and etc. to work around the problems when using IE with Ajaxified pages - most using window hashcode calls.

It would be awesome to see one of the various plug-ins baked into Nop Ajax Filters as it would solve the IE issue and could also make things better in other browsers.

A quick Google search on 'ie back button ajax' will return 1,030,000 results on the topic and it's easy to go from there...

This would be an awesome improvement to Nop Ajax Filters.

Hi mediastorm,

We are aware of the 'ie back button ajax' problem and actually the Ajax Filters do use such a plugin for removing this issue. During the development of  the back functionality in the Ajax Filters we noticed that our initial implementation doesn't work in IE but we fixed it. I am just testing the Filters on our demo web site with IE9 and they are working fine with the Back button. What version of IE do you use? It might just be some javascript error on your web site that prevents the back plugin that we use to work properly. Could you please send us a link to your web site, so that we can investigate?

Thank you in advance!
Regards, Team