
- 12
My site is local right now.
In the folder Themes\Beauty\Content\css are the fonts
avantgardegothicltextralight (.eot .svg .ttf)
avantgardenormal (.eot .svg .ttf)
can you explain me how these fonts work in the styles.css?
because in styles.css in many places has the avantgarde and avantgarde_light font. Where are these fonts? My half site with the english words is great! the other half with the greek words is not good.
If i find another .ttf font except the standar fonts that regognized on web eg a calligraphic font that supports my language and put it in the file Themes\Beauty\Content\css will this work? and how?
I mean that if all the fonts in my site take the source from the file like src: url('newfont.ttf');
will this work?
My site is local right now.
In the folder Themes\Beauty\Content\css are the fonts
avantgardegothicltextralight (.eot .svg .ttf)
avantgardenormal (.eot .svg .ttf)
can you explain me how these fonts work in the styles.css?
because in styles.css in many places has the avantgarde and avantgarde_light font. Where are these fonts? My half site with the english words is great! the other half with the greek words is not good.
If i find another .ttf font except the standar fonts that regognized on web eg a calligraphic font that supports my language and put it in the file Themes\Beauty\Content\css will this work? and how?
I mean that if all the fonts in my site take the source from the file like src: url('newfont.ttf');
will this work?