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Using the trial version of Anywhere Sliders, I was able to create a Nivo slider in the sidebar that was of a certain size.
I purchased the pro version and installed only the DLL.
At that point, the slider in the sidebar began to render very big images.
When I looked at the Nivo general settings for the slider, I saw that height and width no longer appeared.
I then saw that the files from the Pro download were different from the files in the trial download. So I migrated over the new set of files.
That did not have any effect.
Finally, I uninstalled both the Core and Anywhere Slider plugins, then re-installed them.
The only effect that had was to delete my existing sliders. Argh.
I added back one of the sliders and saw that I still cannot set the height and width of the slider.
How do I correct this situation?
Using the trial version of Anywhere Sliders, I was able to create a Nivo slider in the sidebar that was of a certain size.
I purchased the pro version and installed only the DLL.
At that point, the slider in the sidebar began to render very big images.
When I looked at the Nivo general settings for the slider, I saw that height and width no longer appeared.
I then saw that the files from the Pro download were different from the files in the trial download. So I migrated over the new set of files.
That did not have any effect.
Finally, I uninstalled both the Core and Anywhere Slider plugins, then re-installed them.
The only effect that had was to delete my existing sliders. Argh.
I added back one of the sliders and saw that I still cannot set the height and width of the slider.
How do I correct this situation?