

11 years ago
#2769 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Topic for reporting any Nop Product Ribbons problems.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a known issues with installing new plugins in nopCommerce.
Please read this post for more information.
11 years ago
#2880 Quote
  • 11

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.
11 years ago
#2889 Quote
  • 269
rsolani wrote:

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.

Hi rsolani,

It is very strange. We have tested this and it works just fine.
Are you sure, that you just added the products?
Try coping a product (thus creating a new product) and try the condition again. Also the condition type should be ProductAgeHours, which means, that the value is in hours.

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#2892 Quote
  • 11
IvanStoyanov wrote:

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.

Hi rsolani,

It is very strange. We have tested this and it works just fine.
Are you sure, that you just added the products?
Try coping a product (thus creating a new product) and try the condition again. Also the condition type should be ProductAgeHours, which means, that the value is in hours.

Ivan Stoyanov

thanks for your reply !

But yes, I'm adding a lot of products these days and THIS condition never works for me...

The products are brand new, the condition is set to ProductAgeHours LessThan 72 hours.
In fact, any value used for "hours" don't work.

And the default condition is FAIL, of course.

When I change the condition to GreaterThan 72 hours, it works for a product I just added a few minutes!

My time zone is UTC-3 (Brasília) and server's time zone is the same.
I really don't know what to do anymore...
Some issue with timezone maybe ??
But I've tried a lot of values for hour (300 for example) and the result is the same.
All other conditions works correctly, except ProductAgeHours.

11 years ago
#2893 Quote
  • 269
rsolani wrote:

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.

Hi rsolani,

It is very strange. We have tested this and it works just fine.
Are you sure, that you just added the products?
Try coping a product (thus creating a new product) and try the condition again. Also the condition type should be ProductAgeHours, which means, that the value is in hours.

Ivan Stoyanov

thanks for your reply !

But yes, I'm adding a lot of products these days and THIS condition never works for me...

The products are brand new, the condition is set to ProductAgeHours LessThan 72 hours.
In fact, any value used for "hours" don't work.

And the default condition is FAIL, of course.

When I change the condition to GreaterThan 72 hours, it works for a product I just added a few minutes!

My time zone is UTC-3 (Brasília) and server's time zone is the same.
I really don't know what to do anymore...
Some issue with timezone maybe ??
But I've tried a lot of values for hour (300 for example) and the result is the same.
All other conditions works correctly, except ProductAgeHours.


Hi rsolani,

Can you please update the product ribbons plugin to the latest version. You may me using an older version of the plugin.
Please read the following article for more information on how to update the plugin to the latest version:

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#2894 Quote
  • 11
IvanStoyanov wrote:

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.

Hi rsolani,

It is very strange. We have tested this and it works just fine.
Are you sure, that you just added the products?
Try coping a product (thus creating a new product) and try the condition again. Also the condition type should be ProductAgeHours, which means, that the value is in hours.

Ivan Stoyanov

thanks for your reply !

But yes, I'm adding a lot of products these days and THIS condition never works for me...

The products are brand new, the condition is set to ProductAgeHours LessThan 72 hours.
In fact, any value used for "hours" don't work.

And the default condition is FAIL, of course.

When I change the condition to GreaterThan 72 hours, it works for a product I just added a few minutes!

My time zone is UTC-3 (Brasília) and server's time zone is the same.
I really don't know what to do anymore...
Some issue with timezone maybe ??
But I've tried a lot of values for hour (300 for example) and the result is the same.
All other conditions works correctly, except ProductAgeHours.


Hi rsolani,

Can you please update the product ribbons plugin to the latest version. You may me using an older version of the plugin.
Please read the following article for more information on how to update the plugin to the latest version:

Ivan Stoyanov

Thankyou Ivan,

but I bought the Eletronics theme in 06/07, I mean, 20 days ago.
The plugin hed some update since ?

11 years ago
#2897 Quote
  • 1570
rsolani wrote:

but I bought the Eletronics theme in 06/07, I mean, 20 days ago.
The plugin hed some update since ?

Hi rsolani,

We have made some small bug fixes to the plugin but noting related to the Age condition.
But we can't reproduce the problem you got with the latest version of the plugins, so it is a good idea to update your theme. We released a new improved version of the Ajax Filters and improved administration of all the plugins, so it might be worth updating the theme.
You can read more about this release here.

Please let us know if you still have this issue even with the latest version.
Actually when you create new products do they appear in the Recently added list of products?

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#2898 Quote
  • 11
Boyko wrote:

but I bought the Eletronics theme in 06/07, I mean, 20 days ago.
The plugin hed some update since ?

Hi rsolani,

We have made some small bug fixes to the plugin but noting related to the Age condition.
But we can't reproduce the problem you got with the latest version of the plugins, so it is a good idea to update your theme. We released a new improved version of the Ajax Filters and improved administration of all the plugins, so it might be worth updating the theme.
You can read more about this release here.

Please let us know if you still have this issue even with the latest version.
Actually when you create new products do they appear in the Recently added list of products?


Thanks Boyko,
Ok, I'll update to the latest version.

About my Recent Added List... It was disabled.
I just enabled it, but I can't find the list anywhere.
In the Eletronics Theme, where it should appear ?
The Ribbon problem may be related to the recent list in any way ?

Best regards

11 years ago
#2902 Quote
  • 11
Hi Boyko,

I updated the plugin and nothing happens...
I made a lot of testing and the ProductAgeHours is the only condition that do not work for me.
All others are ok.

I tried ProductAgeHours with all combinations of Operators and nothing works like expected.

Well, I can live without the "NEW" ribbon, but its very disappointing for me...

Best regards..
11 years ago
#2906 Quote
  • 269
rsolani wrote:
Hi Boyko,

I updated the plugin and nothing happens...
I made a lot of testing and the ProductAgeHours is the only condition that do not work for me.
All others are ok.

I tried ProductAgeHours with all combinations of Operators and nothing works like expected.

Well, I can live without the "NEW" ribbon, but its very disappointing for me...

Best regards..

Hi rsolani,

Can you please send to support (at) the admin credentials to your website, so that we can login and investigate the problem further.

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!