
Add to Cart from ProductSingle or Multi Variant Page - Show Attributes

11 years ago
#2879 Quote
  • 1
We love the functionality of AjaxCart when Add-to-cart is clicked on the catalog.  The fact that it first does a popup attribute window, and then adds-to-cart is awesome.

We'd like the same functionality on the Single and Multi product variant pages.  It's easy enough to remove/move attributes around on the Single/MultiProductVariant page templates, but is there a solution to have ALL add-to-cart buttons force the "Select Attribute" popup that is displayed from catalog?
11 years ago
#2891 Quote
  • 269
rcandela wrote:
We love the functionality of AjaxCart when Add-to-cart is clicked on the catalog.  The fact that it first does a popup attribute window, and then adds-to-cart is awesome.

We'd like the same functionality on the Single and Multi product variant pages.  It's easy enough to remove/move attributes around on the Single/MultiProductVariant page templates, but is there a solution to have ALL add-to-cart buttons force the "Select Attribute" popup that is displayed from catalog?

Hi rcandela,

Thank you. We are very happy, that you like our plugin.

Sadly the Nop Ajax Cart plugin does not support the functionality, that you require. At the moment you can not configure it to display a popup with the attributes, when you are on a product page.

You can suggest this feature in our User Voice portal.

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!