
Bullets and spacing not working in product descriptions

11 years ago
#3020 Quote
  • 12
I've got a number of strange issues that I'd like to figure out how to deal with. When I build my product description out, it looks good in the editor, but it doesn't look the same on the actual page.

A few areas that are problematic are bullets and spacing.

Here is a before/after image. The part on top is how it looks in the editor, the part below is how it looks rendered on the actual page.

I can tell by looking at the bullet items that they are being disabled by the style "ol, ul" in the styles.css that comes with this theme. I haven't investigated the paragraph spacing yet, but I suspect its something similar.

Is there anyway to change the css to fix this? If not, what's an easy workaround? Note that changing all my product descriptions to override the list-style isn't easy - I've got lots. :)

Looking for suggestions - thanks!
11 years ago
#3021 Quote
  • 12
For what it's worth, this css in the styles.css seems to work well. I'd love to see you add it to your style sheet since it'll benefit everyone and also it'll make it so I don't have to add custom stuff with every update. :)

css wrote:

.product-details-page .full-description ul,
.product-details-page .full-description ol { margin-left: 25px; }
.product-details-page .full-description p {margin-top: 9px; }
11 years ago
#3025 Quote
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  • 1044
Hi rscott78,

Thank you for your feedback. We have fixed that and uploaded on our site.

Thanks again!

rscott78 wrote:
For what it's worth, this css in the styles.css seems to work well. I'd love to see you add it to your style sheet since it'll benefit everyone and also it'll make it so I don't have to add custom stuff with every update. :)

.product-details-page .full-description ul,
.product-details-page .full-description ol { margin-left: 25px; }
.product-details-page .full-description p {margin-top: 9px; }
5 years ago
#20957 Quote
  • 1
The bullets are not working in custom tabs.  Cellpadding doesn't work either for tables.  
5 years ago
#20960 Quote
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  • 249
GreatDane wrote:
The bullets are not working in custom tabs.  Cellpadding doesn't work either for tables.  


It seems that the cellpadding attribute is deprecated in HTML5.

"The cellpadding attribute of <table> is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead."

The HTML editor that we use in our plugin is the default HTML editor for nopCommerce and we cannot change that.

You can use the class custom-tab and select the table cells to edit the CSS padding for each cell in our Quick tabs plugin.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov