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I am in the process of setting up the store and I am having an issue where loading of the product list when adding "Product mapping" on any of the plugins lasts for few minutes, and any other activity on the store is impossible in that time. We have about 5000 products total, and about 2700 of them published. The list displays only the published products so about 2700 of them and it just lasts to long, plus the blockage of the store makes the configuring impossible when the store goes online.
Similar list is in base nopCommerce when trying to add an existing product to a certain category (trough category details / Products tab), the same pop out window with full product list, and in that situation the loading of the full 5000 products list lasts for a second.
I am using the latest version of the plugin collection for v3.0 nopCommerce.
Since plugin source is not available i could use some assistance on solving this issue.
I was able to shorten (to about 20 seconds) the time needed for loading by adding
Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
to //database call
in Nop.Data / NopObjectContext.cs
but I am still in the process of testing the full impact of that on nopCommerce. And that still blocks the store for the time it takes to load the list. Same issue is with changing pages on that list, meaning that loading of every page on that list lasts for few minutes (20 seconds after the change).
I am in the process of setting up the store and I am having an issue where loading of the product list when adding "Product mapping" on any of the plugins lasts for few minutes, and any other activity on the store is impossible in that time. We have about 5000 products total, and about 2700 of them published. The list displays only the published products so about 2700 of them and it just lasts to long, plus the blockage of the store makes the configuring impossible when the store goes online.
Similar list is in base nopCommerce when trying to add an existing product to a certain category (trough category details / Products tab), the same pop out window with full product list, and in that situation the loading of the full 5000 products list lasts for a second.
I am using the latest version of the plugin collection for v3.0 nopCommerce.
Since plugin source is not available i could use some assistance on solving this issue.
I was able to shorten (to about 20 seconds) the time needed for loading by adding
Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
to //database call
in Nop.Data / NopObjectContext.cs
but I am still in the process of testing the full impact of that on nopCommerce. And that still blocks the store for the time it takes to load the list. Same issue is with changing pages on that list, meaning that loading of every page on that list lasts for few minutes (20 seconds after the change).