
- 11
I have noticed that the price range filter on my site is displaying an "R" instead of a Euro symbol. (I am sure it did work before, and as a user, "I have not done anything!" :)
Is there a configuration value somewhere, or is it a bug? I currently have version 3.0 of nopCommerce installed, with the Fashion theme and Version 3.00 of nopAjaxFilters. (Yes, I should update ;)
I have noticed that the price range filter on my site is displaying an "R" instead of a Euro symbol. (I am sure it did work before, and as a user, "I have not done anything!" :)
Is there a configuration value somewhere, or is it a bug? I currently have version 3.0 of nopCommerce installed, with the Fashion theme and Version 3.00 of nopAjaxFilters. (Yes, I should update ;)