MattyLB wrote:share button space on 480.css & 768.css is too narrow. changed mine to 237px and it seems to work fine. :)
is there an easy way to move the wishlist button down next to the cart/buy now button?
Hi Matt,
The product share button space is reserved for a share button with size 16x16, while you have updated your to be bigger with size 32x32. It really looks nice and you have correctly increased the reserved space about it.
If you want to move the wishlist button down to the buy now button, you will need to edit the Themes/Alicante/Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml view and move the @Html.Partial("_ProductAddToWishlistButton", Model.AddToCart) call to the @Html.Partial("_AddToCart", Model.AddToCart, dataDictAddToCart) call. But you may need some styling to adjust the button as you wish to look like.
Let me tell you about one of our latest features. Now you can write your own custom css in the administration of the plugin for the theme, rather than editing manually the styles.css file. I think thus is much more easy for our customers. So if you need to add some css for the new position of the wish list button, you can do it via the administration.
Hope that helps!