
- 18
By default a size for some product, for example a t-shirt, must be a product attribute so the customer can actually choose it when purchasing it.
However, all product attributes are shown as filters when using Alfresco theme.
This is good for most cases (color, genre, use, etc) but with sizes it won't work as well.
For example, we sell products which come in sizes XS to 2XL, but also other ones in which come in sizes 40 to 56 (in increments of two), and also shoes which came in sizes 35 to 47 and 6 to 13, so when I user sees the main category, there is this huge unpractical list of sizes shown at the left to be used as filters, but it just don't work.
So, in short, is there a way to specify which products attributes are to be used as filters?
However, all product attributes are shown as filters when using Alfresco theme.
This is good for most cases (color, genre, use, etc) but with sizes it won't work as well.
For example, we sell products which come in sizes XS to 2XL, but also other ones in which come in sizes 40 to 56 (in increments of two), and also shoes which came in sizes 35 to 47 and 6 to 13, so when I user sees the main category, there is this huge unpractical list of sizes shown at the left to be used as filters, but it just don't work.
So, in short, is there a way to specify which products attributes are to be used as filters?