
Language pack for theme

11 years ago
#3796 Quote
  • 34

For this theme exist the language pack for example Italian?

because I downloaded from nopcommerce site but isin't complete.

11 years ago
#3812 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
cicciuzzo wrote:

For this theme exist the language pack for example Italian?

because I downloaded from nopcommerce site but isin't complete.


Hi cicciuzzo,

Unfortunately our plugins and themes come only with Italian. If you download the Italian language pack, you will have to manually translate the resources used in our products, which are not much.
By restarting the application all the resource strings will be added to the Italian locale with English default values. Then if you want to translate the public resource only, you should filter the resources by containing "sevenspikes" / "neofashion" and not containing "admin" which will result in a roughly 100 string.

You can refer to a similar forum post but for Swedish.

Hope that helps!

p.s. We will be very grateful if you translate the resources and can send them to us, so that we can include them in our products. Thus others can benefit from this too.