summitridgegear wrote:I want to add a new feature to the main menu, i.e. HOME, PRODUCTS, etc. I have been unable to figure this out. I am on 3.2. Any guidance will be appreciated. Of course the new menu item will launch a custom page.
Hi summitridgegear,
As you know the razor views of all our plugins are open for modifications, so you can easily add any link to the Nop Mega Menu if the link is not present as an option in the administration of the plugin.
In order to do that just open the Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu/Views/MegaMenu/MegaMenu.cshtml file in a text editor. You will see many <li> elements which represents every link that can be displayed in the menu. So if you want to add any custom link you should add it as a <li> element. For example
<li><a href="{link_to_your_page}">{text_displayed_on_the_menu_item}</a></li>
where you want to be displayed your menu item. The link_to_your_page and text_displayed_on_the_menu_item should be replaced with your link and text for the new item.
For example after the
if (Model.Settings.IncludeContactUsLink)
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ContactUs")">@T("ContactUs")</a></li>
code which is for the Contact Us link.
Hope that helps!