
Ajax Filter on Search Results

11 years ago
#3870 Quote
  • 4
Is it possible  to configure Ajax Fiter to filter on search results?If yes how? :)
It only works on category and manifacture pages..
Am I missing something?

Thank you..
11 years ago
#3876 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
dincaykirtasiye wrote:
Is it possible  to configure Ajax Fiter to filter on search results?If yes how? :)
It only works on category and manifacture pages..
Am I missing something?

Thank you..

Hi dincaykirtasiye,

The Nop Ajax Filters are available only on the category and manufacturer page. As they are built on top of nopCommerce functionality it is no straightforward to implement them on the search page.

If you think this is a valuable feature for the plugin, you can propose it in our user voice portal so that others can vote for it too and we will implement it if there are enough votes, as we always try to listen to our customers.

Best Regards!
10 years ago
#8722 Quote
  • 79
I saw on a post from 2013 that it was planned that you "will be enhancing the Nop Ajax Filters to work on the nopCommerce search page"

Has this been completed? Is it still planned?

Thank you!
Nop 3.7 - ArtFactory
Nop 4.0 - Lavella, Venture, Smart, ArtFactory
10 years ago
#8731 Quote
  • 1570
DJ_Balogh wrote:
I saw on a post from 2013 that it was planned that you "will be enhancing the Nop Ajax Filters to work on the nopCommerce search page"

Has this been completed? Is it still planned?

Thank you!

Hi DJ_Balogh,

Although the Ajax Filters plugin is the plugin in which we invest most of our development time compared to other plugins we still didn't have time to do it. This is mainly because it is not that easy to be done and will take us a lot of development resources.
Since 2013 we have made numerous improvements to the Ajax Filters plugin:
- a lot of performance optimizations
- added On Sale filer to show only products with Old/New price.
- showed a panel with the selected filtered options

The biggest enhancement was the release of Ajax Filters Pro that are built on top of the Ajax Filters and provide a quick filter search navigation.

Most probably the next step will be to make the Filters work on the Search page as there is a big demand in it in our UserVoice portal but it all depends if we will have enough resources to do it for the next release of nopCommerce 3.6.
Regards, Team