
Price range filter not working for first item in 3.2

11 years ago
#4053 Quote
  • 1
Running Nop 3.2.  Price range filter is posting to /Catalog7Spikes/GetFilteredProducts.  All products in categories are filtering properly, except the first one in the product grid for that category.  This issue occurs across multiple categories.  

Test Case #1:  Category shows a $459 product on the product grid when the max price range is set to $250.  If I go less than $250, the $459 product is correctly filtered out.  

Test Case #2:  A different category has the same problem, except that the product price is $250, and continues to display all the way down to a max price of $0.

Posted JSON (note SelectedPriceRange":{"To":"250"}):

{"categoryId":"1","manufacturerId":"0","priceRangeFilterModel7Spikes":{"CategoryId":"1","ManufacturerId":"0","Priority":1,"SelectedPriceRange":{"To":"250"},"MinPrice":"20","MaxPrice":"550"},"specificationFiltersModel7Spikes":{"CategoryId":"1","ManufacturerId":"0","SpecificationFilterGroups":[{"Id":"7","FilterItems":[{"Id":"48","FilterItemState":"Unchecked"},{"Id":"49","FilterItemState":"Unchecked"}]},{"Id":"6","FilterItems":[{"Id":"39","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"40","FilterItemState":"Unchecked"},{"Id":"41","FilterItemState":"Unchecked"}]},{"Id":"5","FilterItems":[{"Id":"36","FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]},{"Id":"4","FilterItems":[{"Id":"25","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"26","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"29","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"30","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"31","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"33","FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]},{"Id":"2","FilterItems":[{"Id":"18","FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]},{"Id":"1","FilterItems":[{"Id":"2","FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Id":"5","FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]}]},"attributeFiltersModel7Spikes":{"CategoryId":"1","ManufacturerId":"0","AttributeFilterGroups":[{"Id":"1","FilterItems":[{"Name":"Black","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["18"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Name":"White","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["18"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]},{"Id":"6","FilterItems":[{"Name":"Doge 1","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["19"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Name":"Test 1","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["19"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Name":"Test Color 2","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["19"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]},{"Id":"2","FilterItems":[{"Name":"Test option 1","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["20"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Name":"Test option 2","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["20"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Name":"Test option 3","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["20"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"},{"Name":"Test option 4","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["20"],"FilterItemState":"Disabled"}]},{"Id":"8","FilterItems":[{"Name":"2 Inches","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["17"],"FilterItemState":"Unchecked"},{"Name":"3 Inches","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["17"],"FilterItemState":"Unchecked"},{"Name":"4 Inches","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["17"],"FilterItemState":"Unchecked"},{"Name":"5 Inches","ProductVariantAttributeIds":["17"],"FilterItemState":"Unchecked"}]}]},"manufacturerFiltersModel7Spikes":{"CategoryId":"1","ManufacturerFilterItems":[{"Id":"2","FilterItemState":"Unchecked"},{"Id":"6","FilterItemState":"Unchecked"}]},"pageNumber":null,"orderby":"0","viewmode":"grid","pagesize":"12","queryString":"","shouldNotStartFromFirstPage":false}

Response output shows a product with a price of $459.00:

<div id="nopAjaxFiltersNoProductsDialog" title="NO RESULTS FOUND">
    <p>There are no products for the filters that you selected. Please widen your search criteria.</p>
    <div class="product-grid">
        <div class="item-grid">
                <div class="item-box">
<div class="product-item" data-productid="1">
    <h2 class="product-title">
        <a href="/ms-dmc3-4-master-station-white"> M&amp;S DMC3-4 Master Station - White</a>
    <div class="picture">
        <a href="/ms-dmc3-4-master-station-white" title="Show details for  M&amp
11 years ago
#4057 Quote
  • 1570
rread wrote:
Running Nop 3.2.  Price range filter is posting to /Catalog7Spikes/GetFilteredProducts.  All products in categories are filtering properly, except the first one in the product grid for that category.  This issue occurs across multiple categories.  

Hi rread,

This sounds really strange as we have never seen the described behavior in the Ajax Filters.
Are you using the latest version of the Ajax Filters?
The only possible problem for this is to be a caching issue. Can you check if you still have this issue if you click "Clear cache" in the administration or "Restart Application"?

Best Regards,
Boyko Bonev Team
Regards, Team
10 years ago
#4548 Quote
  • 8
I am having this issue on Build 3.2.619.10036.

If you start by moving the right hand part of the slider (high price) and move it backwards, the first item in the list is always over the max amount, but the other items are ok. If you touch the left part of the slider to even move it by $1, everything works.  
Definite bug.

10 years ago
#4549 Quote
  • 8
Additional Information: I cleared the cache, restarted the application. The first time I hit the price range filter on the category page it worked.  Another user then hit 10 seconds later, and it failed for him immediately. I then refreshed my page, and it was was failing again (first item is always above the max price when the high end price is slid back).
Additional test... we refreshed the page to test again.  This time, just touching the low end amount by a very small amount. Then moving the high price, the filter worked correct...confirming the bug only exists/occurs when a user arrives at a category page and only slides the high price to a lower amount.
10 years ago
#4567 Quote
  • 1570
Charles wrote:
Additional Information: I cleared the cache, restarted the application. The first time I hit the price range filter on the category page it worked.  Another user then hit 10 seconds later, and it failed for him immediately. I then refreshed my page, and it was was failing again (first item is always above the max price when the high end price is slid back).
Additional test... we refreshed the page to test again.  This time, just touching the low end amount by a very small amount. Then moving the high price, the filter worked correct...confirming the bug only exists/occurs when a user arrives at a category page and only slides the high price to a lower amount.

Hi Charles,

Thank you for all the additional information but we can't reproduce this.
Are you able to reproduce this on any of our demo stores as all of them are running the same version of the Ajax Filters? If not then I think it is some strange issue with how your specific category is setup, so we will need to take a look. If it is possible to send a link to your web site with admin login credential will help us find the issue and advice (you can send the link and the credentials on our support mail).

Regards, Team
10 years ago
#4568 Quote
  • 8
I just tried your demo sites and was not able to reproduce.  Unfortunately, the site I have is only available within a LAN as its main function is to provide internal store merchandise for company employees.
For now, I am disabling the feature, however, I can run some tests,etc if you have any ideas or can give me any suggestions.
