
Internal error occured

11 years ago
#4149 Quote
  • 2

I've enabled the Anywhere Sliders, and configured one slider.
When I go back to the public store I get an screen saying:
We're sorry, an internal error occurred....

I've tried reinstalling the plugin, but I get the same error.
I've tried different widget zone names, same error.

What could be the problem or can I find more info in a log?

Kind regards,
11 years ago
#4151 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
core wrote:

I've enabled the Anywhere Sliders, and configured one slider.
When I go back to the public store I get an screen saying:
We're sorry, an internal error occurred....

I've tried reinstalling the plugin, but I get the same error.
I've tried different widget zone names, same error.

What could be the problem or can I find more info in a log?

Kind regards,

Hi Jeroen,

Can you please provide some more info on that:

1. What version of the plugin do you use.
2. Have you performed upgrade from a previous version or you have the plugin installed on a specific version that had not been upgraded.
3. What is the error message that you receive :
You can find out by looking at your administration -> system -> log and tell us the error description. If you are not able to open the administration, you should edit your Web.config file as shown below in order to see the error displayed when you try to open the page.

<customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="Off">
      <!-- We handle all 404 errors in "PageNotFound" method of "CommonController". But let's have it here anyway. -->
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="filenotfound.htm" />

The word in bold is the one that should be changed!

Looking forward to your reply!
11 years ago
#4152 Quote
  • 2
Ok, I've made the change in the web.config.

Now It's getting more clear :-).

The error message is:
The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.

I presume that working in SQL Server Compact mode has everything to do with the error.
Ill change to regular SQL server and try again.