
General Discussion

9 years ago
#8959 Quote
  • 182
Wow! Thx! you talk about it: but it's support only 3.30 ver? 

Can I add this when i have ver 3.5 ?
9 years ago
#8960 Quote
  • 182
Ok i see. Nopcommerce don't upgrade info. On plugin page is info its support 3.5 :)

9 years ago
#9017 Quote
  • 182
I use this plugin to Lazy Loading and now have problem with Mega Menu, where picture doesn't "render"?

Maybe mega menu support Main Category + Childs without pictures?
9 years ago
#9021 Quote
  • 347

Could you check if you have any JavaScript errors ? 
Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team
8 years ago
#10478 Quote
  • 182
Hi Guys! 
i have 1 question. 

Is possible to create in smart theme grouped product page, where product variants is float on right of gallery, not below of page (after description)? 

Actually I have many products with 15-20 photos, 6-8 variants... and gallery is really long (right side is "white space")... and I think many people don't understand they can add products to cart but they need to scroll page?

Do you have created theme where variants product are on right of gallery? 
8 years ago
#10488 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 104
Please find the file '~Themes\Smart\Views\Product\ProductTemplate.Grouped.cshtml' and take the code below:

<div class="product-collateral">
                            <!--associated products-->
                            <div class="product-variant-list">
                                @foreach (var variant in Model.AssociatedProducts)
                                    <div class="product-variant-line" data-productid="@variant.Id">
                                        @if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variant.DefaultPictureModel.ImageUrl))
                                            <div class="variant-picture">
                  @Html.Action("RelatedProducts", "Product", new { productId = Model.Id })

Place whole block of code in the 'overview' but at the bottom.

<div class="overview">
                        @Html.Partial("_Discontinued", Model)
                        <div class="product-name">
                            <h1 itemprop="name">

Finally you might need to get the 'full-description' and place it over the 'prpoduct-collateral'.

@if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.FullDescription))
                            <div class="full-description" itemprop="description">

I believe this will help you to achieve what you want to.
Peter Zhekov
8 years ago
#10541 Quote
  • 182
Thanks Peter that's works great! Maybe i show our new release when we end:) 

I have question, but i don't know where add this topic. We actually try update Nop from 3.6 to 3.7, and we decide to stop support Smart Theme (you create so clean "default" theme" so we think to change for it). Your default plugins looks better than in our customization ;) and we don't need change anything there.

Unfortunately default theme don't have one thing. "Top Arrow", which when click it, we are moved to a top of page. Is this easy way to add this to default theme?
8 years ago
#10544 Quote
  • 157
jakubz wrote:
Thanks Peter that's works great! Maybe i show our new release when we end:) 

I have question, but i don't know where add this topic. We actually try update Nop from 3.6 to 3.7, and we decide to stop support Smart Theme (you create so clean "default" theme" so we think to change for it). Your default plugins looks better than in our customization ;) and we don't need change anything there.

Unfortunately default theme don't have one thing. "Top Arrow", which when click it, we are moved to a top of page. Is this easy way to add this to default theme?

Hi jakubz,

Yes it will not be hard to achieve the scroll to top functionality. Just add the <div id="goToTop"></div> element before the ending body tag and use the following js in order to trigger the scrolling:

$(document).ready(function () {

    $(window).on("scroll", function () {

        if ($(window).scrollTop() > 100) {// 100px - go to top scroll barier
        else {

     $("#goToTop").on("click", function () {
        $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 400);


Now you will need just to style the button as you wish.

Hope that helps.
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov