
Profile: jakubz


User posts

3 months ago

Hi! Is any possibility to make subcategories works like jcarousel?

On mobile we sometimes need 1-2 scrolls to start see products. Is any option to change this?

3 months ago

we have old version (nop 4.40), but i see on mobile Art-Pacific Theme don't supporting Cross Sell?

Or maybe i should enable something?

I see jcarousel have cross sell data source, but there is no any cart widget zone?

Is any option to show cross sell on cart page?

one year ago

Ok i found this in product page, but for some reason first click in link:

<span class="separator">|</span> <a href="#quickTab-reviews">@T("Reviews.Overview.AddNew")</a>

It's adding #quicktabreviews to link in browser, but nothing more happen :/ I can reload page, and then when i click this link it's moving me below to quicktabs, but first open not work...

Any idea how to fix this?

one year ago

Hi Guys! i try found this, but don't know where is it. Maybe some hint?

We want to change review link on product page, from default nopcommerce (where we are moving to another page), to quicktabs which we have on product page...

Maybe you can help me find this? i checking product page but can't find? any help?:)

one year ago

Ok i see. There is this option. Just we have "too small test text" and always see "loader". :)

one year ago

Maybe it's possible (but i don't know how to do this).

Can we use autoplay for "html slider"? We want on mobile make some "html sliders" cut to 3 - 4 slides... but i see there is no option (autoplay not work? maybe i do something wrong?)

Ok. Topic to close. We decide to change our product variant. W second one there is no optiom to zoom / see bigger photo, and we are think this is wrong.

Hristo i have one more observation. Cloud zoom not working in this variant with big pictures? There is no option to "after click" in photo there open gallery?

Oh, and probably last questions.
1. Is this swap change only CSS? or script make more changes in files? ( i don't have test page now, and i think to "fast swap" on production and looking effects ;] We install this theme some time ago, and i don't remeber is it also change all media files / sizes etc.

2. I see in second layaout "categories" are missing". If i copy this from Layout 1 and add css, you think this may be works?

Thanks for any help! :)

yes it's looks better for us (we wanted move related products below, ad here i see it's out of the box). It's looks, we need only change pictures sizes and show two per row, or better "third" big, and two first smaller ;)


Our shop have some changes... when i change "layout" the only change is CSS, and also i need change size of pictures? or only swap?