Maybe i can change size of "zoom" gallery picture and solve that in this way? but it's looks more complicated;\ :)
we start optimize our Pacific Theme, and one from things which we want to do, is set two pictures per line in gallery.
Something like here:
I'm wonder is it possible to do in Pacific? i see there is Picture Variant with big pictures, so maybe if we change little css we can receive this effect?
Or maybe... we can buy Voyage Theme and copy product page and inject CSS from voyage ? ;)
Hi, we actual found error on our order completed page in:
<script id=instantSearchItemTemplate type=text/x-kendo-template>
<div class="instant-search-item" data-url="${ data.CustomProperties.Url }">
<a class="iOS-temp" href="${ data.CustomProperties.Url }">
<div class="img-block">
<img src="${ data.DefaultPictureModel.ImageUrl }" alt="${ data.Name }" title="${ data.Name }" style="border: none">
<div class="detail">
<div class="title">${ data.Name }</div>
Thanks! I will try!
I see when we change .product-page-layout-one .product-essential
change width = 100%;
And .product-page-grids.side-grids also 100%. All is mostly fine, but for some reason there is always only 2 products per line and i don't understand which mechanism depends that :/
Maybe you can give us some tip? ;) i know there is class with "child" n:th or some like this.
I see your new demo have that:
Related products after descriptions.
we want to change Desktop view, and move "right column" with related / bought also etc. And place below descriptions.
I probably know how to do it, but... i don't know how to show for products per line, not 2 like it is now. Maybe someone know how to change it?
I don't need full descriptions, but don't understand what determinated how many products is in line? I need change class item boxes? or how make it? Maybe someone can help?
Best wished!
Hi few requests.
1. Give new column on sale list. If we have 3 x title "SALE" we don't know which is which one.
2. "Title" should have option to add there link... in our case category with sales (like black sale).
Up. We want exclude out of stock products from results...
Hi! i think data source should have some update.
Data source: bestsellers - here we should show only products on stock. Now we have situation whre first 4 products are out of stock O_O
NEW DATA SOURCE proposition: bestsellers from category.