Hi, maybe it's possible to add in admin feature to show (or not) 5 mostly searched words?
How this should work:
1. We click on search, and before we write something "window" is open like in normal instant search... with 5 mostly popular search in our shop?
I see in Admin Panel we have that information, so maybe it's be easy to add.
Hi! maybe it's possible to add in ribbon field with "custom class" like in Anywhere sliders?
To earlier post. We add it to: _ProductVariantOverview in NopAjaxCartCatalog
Hi, we actual change theme to pacific... and when Client miss information from ribbon... not see after Add to cart information "product is out of stock".
Maybe it's possible to add on this pop up window also information about availability? I found something old
@await Html.PartialAsync("_Availability", Model)
if (Model.DisplayBackInStockSubscription)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#back-in[email protected]").on('click', function() {
displayPopupContentFromUrl('@Url.RouteUrl("BackInStockSubscribePopup", new { productId = Model.Id })', '@T("BackInStockSubscriptions.NotifyMeWhenAvailable")');
// Close the Quick View window.
var kwindow = $(".quickViewWindow").data("kendoWindow");
if (kwindow != undefined && kwindow.content() !== "") {
Hi maybe it's possible to add this feature:
1. Problem: we have lots of reviews our variant product (visible only in grouped products)... Unfortunately it's not showing in Quick Tab of grouped product... Maybe it's possible to enhanced functionality and add all reviews from "variants" to grouped products (maybe with name of variant there)?
Hi i just looking on https://art-pacific.nop-templates.com/print and have one sugestion.
Now Ajax filter price we can set only by "slide"... below we see value 300 $ but can't click there and write max / min price.
Maybe it's possible to make change and not only slide, but also give possibility to write max / min price via keybord. Sometimes (on mobile) it's easier than slide to the correct price range.
Hi! we have problem with random situation, when w ROPC see monit like: " sorry something wrong please contact with administrator".
I tried to find this string and translate it, but without success. Where can i find this error?
Hi! we want add ribbon "Only for 18" in all categories exclude categories where almost all products are +18.
We have now set: Conditions: Products > Product Type > Specifications > Equal > +18 Is this possible, to exclude this ribbon from categories where 100% products are +18?
Hi, few suggestions. :)
In mobile but not only.
1. In one page checkout (default nop) it's good to be showed where we make mistake or miss something (like name ot zip code). Now we click next and until don't start scrolling we don't see what is wrong.
2. Maybe it's possible to add second way to show reviews.
Now we have them in the tabs, but not all people click in this. Maybe below products/description it's worth to show last reviews. It's more friendly - maybe. ;)
3. I read this and thiss will be great, if you add possibility in product page to stick add button. I think only on single product page, but i read it's a sugested "best practice" in mobile design. But i see this also in desktop and when we have long page with long description it's can be a great solution.
4. I'm not sure but maybe is diferent solution to make tap/swipe poduct gallery. Now we have standard gallery option and the second one, where on mobile we have swipe mechanism, but on desktop really big pictures. When we have product with wvariants or 10-20 images page on desktop is really long... Maybe is a way to add on mobile swipe mechanism, and on desktop standard gallery... Or maybe it's possible to set it in admin/threme panel?