Hi, few suggestions. :)
In mobile but not only.
1. In one page checkout (default nop) it's good to be showed where we make mistake or miss something (like name ot zip code). Now we click next and until don't start scrolling we don't see what is wrong.
2. Maybe it's possible to add second way to show reviews.
Now we have them in the tabs, but not all people click in this. Maybe below products/description it's worth to show last reviews. It's more friendly - maybe. ;)
3. I read this and thiss will be great, if you add possibility in product page to stick add button. I think only on single product page, but i read it's a sugested "best practice" in mobile design. But i see this also in desktop and when we have long page with long description it's can be a great solution.
4. I'm not sure but maybe is diferent solution to make tap/swipe poduct gallery. Now we have standard gallery option and the second one, where on mobile we have swipe mechanism, but on desktop really big pictures. When we have product with wvariants or 10-20 images page on desktop is really long... Maybe is a way to add on mobile swipe mechanism, and on desktop standard gallery... Or maybe it's possible to set it in admin/threme panel?
we use Element Theme Variant 1... and see low conversion rate on mobile (lower about 40-50% than computer). We are interested how it's looks in another users?
We use Real One Page Checkout... maybe you make some customs and increase this score? or have different ideas what we can check/ optimize?
i have question - maybe you know something about a reason this two bugs. Unfortunatelly i can't add steps how to reproduce it. I wrote to you because maybe another CLient raport similar bugs and you know solution.
Client try to make order. Register, add to carts etc. all it's fine until he try in ROPC click "confirm order". Then see error "invalid email - please add correct one" (or smth like this).
But... email is correct. Client wrote to me from this email... We have few Clients in month raport similar problem. When i try interpersonate - i can make order without any problems, but for some reason our Client see this error.
After install plugin or smth. Client when add something to cart and try go to confirm page... see "empty cart". He try this few times, but always with same reason... "something" make his cart empty.
I have similiar situation few times, but when i make on local lots changes on page. Maybe someone wrote you something similar and you know why it's works wrong? maybe something is with theme, cache, or?
Ech... it's really not good information i have a hope i miss this set:(
Thx for answer! PS You should give possibility to create "autors" (name / description) to your plugin to show below blogposts. Or maybe nopcommerce team.
Hi! we see blog posts are not included in sitemap? Is any way to fix that via RichBlog? or maybe we can change somewhere this set to include blog posts in sitemap?
Version 4.1 Where? Blogpost. When we click "Manage this page" link... we receive error 404. Wrong link is: https://www.xxxxx.xx/Admin/Blog/Edit/45 When i go to this post by admin panel, working link is: https://www.XXXX.XX/Admin/Blog/BlogPostEdit/45 How can i change this link in rich blog?
And one more. In admin panel, when i sets position, map looks ok. Only in public store works wrong.
I don't know why in 4.1 our shop is "max zoomed" (all shops / contact map and all other place where we use store locator).
We need click 4-5 times in "-" to see streets and anything more than our building. I tried change zoom / radius but it's nothing change... :/
Default distance radius 0 or 900 km show same... map zoom level 0 or 10 change nothing :/ - 10 also...
I don't have more idea, why it's stop works...
we use mega menu and last time change links. We stop using "category" and use custom links and there add catalog tree...
Today we receive 2000 errors on mobile for the missing "ID"
... We create links: "Cucstom name" Href="/test-name". All works fine, but google robot can't scan it... How we can fix this? is there any field to make it?