
- 13
We've noticed that there seems to be a caching issue with the store logo. We changed the logo using the admin screens and it appears without any issues on our local development server however if we try accessing the site over our company's network (my desktop) the image doesn't appear the first time. However if I access the page again it works. What I've noticed when debugging it is that initially the url for the image is referencing localhost even though I'm not on my dev server. When I access the page again the url for the image swaps localhost for the dev server name which is how I'm trying to access the site. I sometimes get this issue with the NivoSlider images but it's still better than the logo.
We're using
nopCommerce 3.2
Lighthouse theme
Any suggestions as to what is happening and how this can be fixed?
We're using
nopCommerce 3.2
Lighthouse theme
Any suggestions as to what is happening and how this can be fixed?