
shoppingcart/productdetails_attributechange issue

5 years ago
#20937 Quote
  • 3
Hi, We have a NopCommerce 4.20 installation with the Native Theme and Ajax Cart. We keep seeing the following error in the Error log.

Error 404. The requested page (/shoppingcart/productdetails_attributechange) was not found

There are no additional details in the full Error message,its just empty.

I believe in previous versions of NopCommerce this was due to case sensitivity in the page request and the resolution was to make it all lower case. I have have scanned the whole of the source code looking for any differences but none where found, so just wondered if the compiled plugin was still using the version with different case. It does not appear to cause any issue with the actual checkout process but is filling the log with quite a few entries.

Any advice on this would be kindly appreciated

Matt Hobson
5 years ago
#20939 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
MattHobson wrote:
Hi, We have a NopCommerce 4.20 installation with the Native Theme and Ajax Cart. We keep seeing the following error in the Error log.

Error 404. The requested page (/shoppingcart/productdetails_attributechange) was not found

There are no additional details in the full Error message,its just empty.

I believe in previous versions of NopCommerce this was due to case sensitivity in the page request and the resolution was to make it all lower case. I have have scanned the whole of the source code looking for any differences but none where found, so just wondered if the compiled plugin was still using the version with different case. It does not appear to cause any issue with the actual checkout process but is filling the log with quite a few entries.

Any advice on this would be kindly appreciated

Matt Hobson

Hi Matt.

It seems that bot crawlers are trying to access the given URL address, but since this is a POST request if you try to access the URL without passing parameters, you will get a 404 error.

It's not something you should worry about.

You can disable the logging of messages containing the given URL. You can do that by going to Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced) by adding the URL in the commonsettings.ignorelogwordlist.

To get more information for any log message, you can click on View next to it.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov