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Not sure if there are major feature differences between the ver 4.0 and 4.3 that are not documented or I'm using a plug-in version that was released before the features I am seeing available on your admin demo site.
I am using the most current available version on my account
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders, Version=4.0.1399.32560
In the installed version on my 4.0 site, I do not have the slider type options listed in this picture on your web site.
I do not have the mobile breakpoint option.
Once a new slider is created and I go to create a slide it is only the slider image not the drop-down menu choice of Picture/Content like on the admin demo site.
You do not seem to bother to keep you changelogs up to date since the last thing listed is form 2018 and there is no mention of the huge changes between the version I have and the one on the demo site.
I was hoping to use this for displaying a testimonial slider which if the content slider option was there would seem to be perfect for this.
Please clarify why this is not available. I've tried a couple of companies options that did not work well at all and have had good luck with your products so hoping it is something can stay with.
Thanks, Chris
Not sure if there are major feature differences between the ver 4.0 and 4.3 that are not documented or I'm using a plug-in version that was released before the features I am seeing available on your admin demo site.
I am using the most current available version on my account
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders, Version=4.0.1399.32560
In the installed version on my 4.0 site, I do not have the slider type options listed in this picture on your web site.
I do not have the mobile breakpoint option.
Once a new slider is created and I go to create a slide it is only the slider image not the drop-down menu choice of Picture/Content like on the admin demo site.
You do not seem to bother to keep you changelogs up to date since the last thing listed is form 2018 and there is no mention of the huge changes between the version I have and the one on the demo site.
I was hoping to use this for displaying a testimonial slider which if the content slider option was there would seem to be perfect for this.
Please clarify why this is not available. I've tried a couple of companies options that did not work well at all and have had good luck with your products so hoping it is something can stay with.
Thanks, Chris