
Questions about settings.xml

4 years ago
#21403 Quote
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I notice there is a setting.xml file in the plugin folder.

1. If I make changes to this like color and text settings does it change this for existing campaigns or just the defaults for new campaigns?

2. Is "SaleCampaignProductPageCustomization" for the Countdown timer ( Product page )tab?

3. Is the "SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization" for the Countdown timer ( Product Box )tab?

4. For the clock type sections, what is the syntax for the other clock values?
The default value <Value>DaysHoursMinutesSeconds</Value> The syntax for the first 3 choices of "Sales Ends In" is obvious. For the "On Sale Till" though it is not obvious what the correct syntax would be.

4. Can the custom CSS section be put in the settings.xml?
Something like this?
<Setting Name="SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization.SaleCampaignCategoryWrapperBorder-Radius">

<Setting Name="SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization.SaleCampaignCategoryNumberBoxBorder-Radius">

5. Question on Border-Radius. I notice the custom CSS is only available on the ( Product page )tab and does not seem to affect the Preview on the ( Product Box )tab.
Does this mean Border-Radius can not be used on the Product Box view?

Thansk Chris
4 years ago
#21409 Quote
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Thank you for reaching out to us. I hope you are safe and well!

1. The Settings.xml file is used only during the installation of the plugin, to populate the default values, not when you restart the application. So I wouldn't advise you to configure the plugin this way.

2. Yes, the settings starting with SaleCampaignProductPageCustomization are for the Product Page.

3. Yes, the settings starting with SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization are for the Product Box.

4. The Settings.xml file is only for the default values for the settings of the plugin. I would advise you to put the custom CSS under the Custom Head Styles section of the settings of our theme.

5. You can add custom CSS for the Product Box under the Custom Head Styles section of the settings of our theme.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov
4 years ago
#21410 Quote
  • 9
Inspecting the HTML and CSS on the page and sales campaign css file in the plugs in the folder I can't figure out what the ID or class selector is to be able to style the wrapper or the text in it. All the css for it shows up as inline. What are the ID and or class selectors I need to use to style the wrapper and text for the category and product box sales campaign section?

Thanks Chris
4 years ago
#21412 Quote
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fundamentalav wrote:
Inspecting the HTML and CSS on the page and sales campaign css file in the plugs in the folder I can't figure out what the ID or class selector is to be able to style the wrapper or the text in it. All the css for it shows up as inline. What are the ID and or class selectors I need to use to style the wrapper and text for the category and product box sales campaign section?

Thanks Chris


Thank you for your reply!

Depending on which theme you are using, the HTML might be different. However, most themes have the countdownTimer class for the wrapper of the countdown timer.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov