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I notice there is a setting.xml file in the plugin folder.
1. If I make changes to this like color and text settings does it change this for existing campaigns or just the defaults for new campaigns?
2. Is "SaleCampaignProductPageCustomization" for the Countdown timer ( Product page )tab?
3. Is the "SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization" for the Countdown timer ( Product Box )tab?
4. For the clock type sections, what is the syntax for the other clock values?
The default value <Value>DaysHoursMinutesSeconds</Value> The syntax for the first 3 choices of "Sales Ends In" is obvious. For the "On Sale Till" though it is not obvious what the correct syntax would be.
4. Can the custom CSS section be put in the settings.xml?
Something like this?
<Setting Name="SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization.SaleCampaignCategoryWrapperBorder-Radius">
<Setting Name="SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization.SaleCampaignCategoryNumberBoxBorder-Radius">
5. Question on Border-Radius. I notice the custom CSS is only available on the ( Product page )tab and does not seem to affect the Preview on the ( Product Box )tab.
Does this mean Border-Radius can not be used on the Product Box view?
Thansk Chris
I notice there is a setting.xml file in the plugin folder.
1. If I make changes to this like color and text settings does it change this for existing campaigns or just the defaults for new campaigns?
2. Is "SaleCampaignProductPageCustomization" for the Countdown timer ( Product page )tab?
3. Is the "SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization" for the Countdown timer ( Product Box )tab?
4. For the clock type sections, what is the syntax for the other clock values?
The default value <Value>DaysHoursMinutesSeconds</Value> The syntax for the first 3 choices of "Sales Ends In" is obvious. For the "On Sale Till" though it is not obvious what the correct syntax would be.
4. Can the custom CSS section be put in the settings.xml?
Something like this?
<Setting Name="SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization.SaleCampaignCategoryWrapperBorder-Radius">
<Setting Name="SaleCampaignCategoryPageCustomization.SaleCampaignCategoryNumberBoxBorder-Radius">
5. Question on Border-Radius. I notice the custom CSS is only available on the ( Product page )tab and does not seem to affect the Preview on the ( Product Box )tab.
Does this mean Border-Radius can not be used on the Product Box view?
Thansk Chris