
goToTop in public web

4 years ago
#21434 Quote
  • 1

We are using Emporium Theme on Nop 4.2. We are trying to implement scroll to top button, like in admin area. We found that on _Root.Head.cshtml you already have something implemented but we don't know how to make it work.

There is a div likea this:
<div class="scroll-back-button" id="goToTop"></div>

What we want is to show scroll to top button while scrolling down or something similar.
4 years ago
#21437 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
ManuelBalkanica wrote:

We are using Emporium Theme on Nop 4.2. We are trying to implement scroll to top button, like in admin area. We found that on _Root.Head.cshtml you already have something implemented but we don't know how to make it work.

There is a div likea this:
<div class="scroll-back-button" id="goToTop"></div>

What we want is to show scroll to top button while scrolling down or something similar.


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Yes, there is an element with id="goToTop", which is hidden with CSS. You can override that CSS in order to show it. However, I would advise you to test it on mobile devices and make sure it's not overlapped with some other elements.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov
3 years ago
#21804 Quote
  • 3
Ho, I would also like to add the go-to top button, can you tell me which CSS file I need to update?
3 years ago
#21808 Quote
  • 1570
danjou wrote:
Ho, I would also like to add the go-to top button, can you tell me which CSS file I need to update?

Hi danjou,

Simply search for "goToTop" in the css files inside the theme's Content/css folder and you will find it.
Regards, Team
one year ago
#22173 Quote
  • 4

I am using htis theme as well in version 4.5 and I can't find hte information in the css file for the button gototop. As this button is available in the admin area, I would like to have this in the front for the customers as well.
Hopefully you can help me with this?

Thank you.