
View cart button in top menu not working

4 years ago
#21441 Quote
  • 1
Hello, we have a new install on nopcommerce 4.30 but the view cart button does not work on desktop screens - it works fine on mobile.

I have tried hardcoding any url, but the tag is still not read, the page reloads but does not take you to the cart.

The other buttons all fire, wishlist, search and my account, but not cart. website is on Any help appreciated
3 years ago
#21442 Quote
  • 1570
lab4 wrote:
Hello, we have a new install on nopcommerce 4.30 but the view cart button does not work on desktop screens - it works fine on mobile.

I have tried hardcoding any url, but the tag is still not read, the page reloads but does not take you to the cart.

The other buttons all fire, wishlist, search and my account, but not cart. website is on Any help appreciated

Hi lab4,

I don't see the Flyout menu that appears when you click on the Cart icon.
I guess you have modified the theme so it will be best to submit a ticket so we can further investigate it.
Regards, Team