
Calculated during checkout

4 years ago
#21474 Quote
  • 1
Hi, Im using 4.3 version of Minimal theme.
I have issue with "Calculated during checkout"
When im using FixRate for shipping everything is okey , but when im using Amount by total , im getting into checkout this message instead of amounts.

4 years ago
#21478 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
Ensar997 wrote:
Hi, Im using 4.3 version of Minimal theme.
I have issue with "Calculated during checkout"
When im using FixRate for shipping everything is okey , but when im using Amount by total , im getting into checkout this message instead of amounts.


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Unfortunately, the shipping plugin is not part of our plugins. They are created by the nopCommerce team. I would advise you to check their documentation on how to use it or check with their support team.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov