
result page wont show results because ajax-filter

2 years ago
#22002 Quote
  • 1
I'm using nop v4.4
I custmized the search method on ProductService.cs SearchProductAsync.
I added the ability to search by GTIN.
The changes i made seems to work on the search dropdown but when i press the search button the search page result remains empty.
after some digging i figured its because of the ajax-filter plugin
I would love for some help with this issue.
Thanks in advance!

The changes i made in ProductService.cs SearchProductAsync:

                productsByKeywords =
                        from p in _productRepository.Table
                        where p.Name.Contains(keywords) ||
                            (searchDescriptions &&
                                (p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords) || p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords))) ||
                            (searchManufacturerPartNumber && p.ManufacturerPartNumber == keywords) ||
                            (searchSku && p.Sku.Contains(keywords))
                             //added code:  || p.gtin == keywords
                        select p.Id;
2 years ago
#22006 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
ST23 wrote:
I'm using nop v4.4
I custmized the search method on ProductService.cs SearchProductAsync.
I added the ability to search by GTIN.
The changes i made seems to work on the search dropdown but when i press the search button the search page result remains empty.
after some digging i figured its because of the ajax-filter plugin
I would love for some help with this issue.
Thanks in advance!

The changes i made in ProductService.cs SearchProductAsync:

                productsByKeywords =
                        from p in _productRepository.Table
                        where p.Name.Contains(keywords) ||
                            (searchDescriptions &&
                                (p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords) || p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords))) ||
                            (searchManufacturerPartNumber && p.ManufacturerPartNumber == keywords) ||
                            (searchSku && p.Sku.Contains(keywords))
                             //added code:  || p.gtin == keywords
                        select p.Id;


Thank you for reaching out to us and sorry for the delayed response! Our team is flooded with support requests and tasks related to the upgrade to 4.6.

Please contact our sales team at [email protected]
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov