
Profile: Valentin


User posts

usrs wrote:
I've had the Mega Menu running just fine for quite awhile. However, just noticed that when using a mobile phone, that the Category menu doesn't show, however the list of Manufacturers does. I'm using the Default Clean template (and NOP 3.9).

Any suggestions anyone? Thanks!


we are not able to recreate this issue. Could you be more specific - on what device are you experiencing this issue, a link to your site would also be helpful so we can test it directly.

Looking forward to your answer!

7 years ago

jdavisZebco01 wrote:
I would like to be able to group the product specification in a similar fashion

-- Ram type
-- Ram Size

-- Display type
-- Display Size

-- Gear Ratio
-- Gear teeth

Is this possible out of the box or can it be customized to show in both product view and product comparison view..


unfortunately - no, you cannot group your specification attributes in such manner. There is no way to nest the specifications under another (group) specification.

What you can do is to input all your specification and use the Display order option to make them appear in the order you want to.

sina.islam wrote:
The plugin is working as expected at simple product details page. But no tab shows at group product details page. The source code is massively change.


can you please give us some more details (screenshot, theme name etc.) and a link to such product page on your site so we can investigate the issue.

Looking forward to your answer!

7 years ago

trentnix wrote:
When zoomed, it seems like it would be really intuitive if it swiped to the next image on touch devices instead of forcing the user to click the left or right arrow.


that you for your suggestion. You can use our UserVoice portal to suggest that officially, and if many other people find that to be useful, we can implement it.

Have a nice day!

1280 style
7 years ago

kava wrote:

in new release I see that there is a new size of css file, 1280.
If I don't want to manage this size I can remove

are there something else to do?
with only 1024.css greater screen size look good?



yes, this should be enough. Just do not forget the RTL file for this resolution, too.
However, I would advise you to just comment these lines out like so:


This way, if in the future you decide to use them again you can only remove the @* and *@ and the code will apply again.

7 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Ver 4.0

We have tried to upgrade to version 4 and would like to say that after pressing product quickview button the "GO TO PRODUCT'S PAGE" was not working.
Also we could not delete products from cart pop up window. So we went back to 3.9.




thank you for pointing that out! Both of those issues have been handled and if you update everything should work just fine.

bcdiesel wrote:
I was about to ask the same question but found this answer - thank you.

However there seems to be a small issue regarding the ribbon placement of the product ribbons on each of the items inside the grouped product. I'm not sure if it's a CSS problem or not.

For example:

The ribbon in question is configured to be placed in the bottom-left of the product box, but you can see that it's not being set in the correct place. The ribbon is actually placing itself in a location that is partially inside the item above it (if that makes any sense) so it's actually being thrown into the top-left (and then some).

Is there a simple fix for this?


Greetings Travis,

to fix this issue, just add the following code to your Custom Head Styles section:

@media all and (min-width:769px) {
   .product-variant-line .ribbon-wrapper {
      float: left;

7 years ago

jdavisZebco01 wrote:
I noticed that the product grid compare button disappears on mobile. Is there a way to add one easily?


you can achieve that by adding the following code to your Custom Head Styles section, located in your theme administration panel -> Nop-templates -> Themes -> Traction -> Settings:

.item-box .compare-products {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;

.compare-products input {
    display: block !important;
    width: 40px !important;
    height: 34px;
    background: #333 url(../img/compare-button.png) center no-repeat;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 0 !important;

However, have in mind that this is a customization and it has not been tested, so if any problems occur you would need to handle them yourself.

7 years ago

Golfsport wrote:
Hi. I've bought Pavillion theme and I'm currently working on a nopCommerce 3.90 project. nopCommerce 4.00 is already in beta and I'd like to know if and when Pavillion theme will be available for 4.00.

Will it be weeks, or months to wait? I want to decide if it's worth waiting for Pavillion 4.00 support to launch my project with 4.00 right away. If it's too far away, I'll go with 3.90 for now.

Thanks for advice.


to answer your question - no, you will not have to wait months.

Wait until the official release of Nop-commerce 4.0 and in the next couple of days Pavilion, as well as all the other themes,  will be available.

bcdiesel wrote:
Hi there,

Quick question - is there somewhere in the CSS files where I can remove the default center justification setting for text? Most of our product descriptions use full justification which seems to be replaced by center justification in the mobile theme. 


Greetings Travis,

to fix this issues I suggest you copy the following code to your
Custom Head Styles
section, which is located in your theme administration panel -> Nop-templates -> Themes -> Traction -> Settings:

.product-essential .full-description,
.product-essential .short-description {
text-align: left;

Any customizations you do on your theme, you better use this approach, instead of modifying the default CSS, because this way, even if you update your theme, your changes will be saved.