
Profile: Valentin


User posts

6 years ago

bhavikm20 wrote:

We are using nop Pavilion theme 4.0 and think to buy and migrate to Emporium theme. Is it easy or difficult to migrate? what are the thinks we need to consider to migrate? Let me know if you need more details.


migration from one of our themes to another is usually pretty easy. You would probably need to reconfigure some of your plugins which shouldn't be a problem if you follow the instructions in our documentation - here. You can also make use of some of the new features that the Emporium theme offers like the info-boxes, login form in header, logo in footer etc.

Hope this was helpful.
Have a nice day!

6 years ago


please write a ticket for this issue and make sure to give us a link to your site so we can investigate it.

abc_nopdev wrote:
Can you run two sliders at the same time on the homepage, one that shows on desktop and another that shows on the mobile version of the site?

Thank you!


you can achieve that by creating two sliders and set them to the same widget zone. Then in the field Theme class name add different classes for each of the sliders e.g. mobile and desktop.

Then add the following code to your Custom Head Styles section:

@media all and (max-width:1024px) {
     .slider-wrapper.theme-mobile {
          display: block !important;
     .slider-wrapper.theme-desktop {
          display: none !important;

Have in mind that whatever class name you choose for your sliders, when you write the code for it, it should have "theme-" in front of it.

[email protected] wrote:
I have version 3.9 of Motion Theme from NOP Templates.  

There is a very large space between the picture and the Full Description of the product, it makes it hard for a typical customer to see, without knowing to scroll down to see the description.  How do I reduce this space?

The link below is a representative page from the website.  You can see the picture and short description information to the right of the picture, then way down, below the picture is where the Full Description starts.


to fix this issue you need to go in your theme administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> All settings and search for this setting - cloudzoomsettings.numberofpicturethumbnailsincarousel-motion

and judging by the empty space in your site, the value you have for this must be around 6 or 7.

To look better you need to set it to 4 as it should be by default.

Freddy1234 wrote:

is there any way possible to to not show the all the non-viable options from the filter, when you have one filter active
For example

If i have the Author Stephen king as filter one
I do not want to see all options on the filter that do not apply to that search in
So remove the greyed out options from the filter search


you can achieve that by adding the following code to your Custom Head Styles section:

.filtersGroupPanel li.disabled {
     display: none;

Freddy1234 wrote:
Any tips on how to do this if you want 5 in a row?


following the same approach, you can achieve that by changing the values of the CSS properties.

7 years ago

jakubz wrote:
we change a little our page, and want show 4 subcategories in line. We have make that products, but Admin panel support only 2-3 category in line.

Is this hard change to show there 4 subcategories?


to achieve this you need to add the following code to your themes Custom Head Styles section:

@media all and (min-width:1024px) {
.sub-category-grid .item-box {
     width: 23.5% !important;

.sub-category-grid .item-box:nth-child(odd) {
     clear: none;
     margin-left: 2%;

.sub-category-grid .item-box:nth-child(even) {
     margin-left: 2%;

.sub-category-grid.three-per-row .item-box:nth-child(3n+1) {
     clear: none;
     margin-left: 2%;

.sub-category-grid .item-box:nth-child(4n+1) {
     clear: left !important;
     margin-left: 0 !important;

This styling will apply only for the bigger screens, no matter which option you have selected in the admin 2 or 3 per row. And for the smaller screen will apply the normal styling according to the setting you have selected.

This way it is safer because otherwise, the boxes become too small.

Freddy1234 wrote:
HEllo and thanks again
That helped perfectly with the color but as it seems, you still do not see whats being written in the box

You must manually click outside the box to be able too see what youve been written
Before you click outside the box

Text is hidden


Greetings Freddy,

sorry for the inconvenience, it seems another rule has to be added:

.store-search-box {
    color: #000000; /* Put here the same color as the color of the text you want */

Freddy1234 wrote:
Hello and thnk you for the help, it worked like a charm

But encountered a new issue when added a white background.

When entering a search text into the searchbox the color there is white as standard
where do this come from

When changing the text it will  probably also will inflict  the text on Newsletter box on frontpage (whats the name of that box cause i think i also then need to make it white)

Really sorry for escalating this with more question (hoped that the last one was enough)

Greetings Freddy,

you can use this code to change the text color only in the search bar:

.store-search-box {
     color: #000000; /* Put your HEX color here */

niterider wrote:
In the Order Summery table, when we mouse over on the quantity field the arrow keys of increament & decreament display on the field. how can I change the style, background image of these element, and how can i set that these things always display in the table?


what you are referring to is not part of the theme styling and you cannot safely change these arrows.

They are a part of the so-called Shadow DOM and appear differently according to the browser you are using. They come automatically when you have an input field of type number.

There are partial solutions for some of the browsers but a complete solution for all.