
Profile: Valentin


User posts

6 years ago

melek wrote:

About SmartProductCollections  can be use like prisma theme without slider and in  tab list products ?
Same as prisma but emporium style.  
If yes how ?

Thank you


you can disable the carousel in the Smart Product Collections but the Emporium theme was originally not meant to work without it and therefore - it will look broken.

So if you decide to stop this functionality you would need to deal with the problems that come afterward yourself.

If you still want to do it, there is a setting in the All settings section called:


If you set its Value to False, it will disable the carousel in the Smart Product Collections.
Have in mind that this setting affects both - the Category Product Collections and the Custom Product Collections.

Hope this clarifies things a bit.

6 years ago

anhlee27 wrote:
The jCarousel plugin error:
I am not able to update the "Number of visible items in the JCarousel", the plugin always show 5 items only although i change it to another value at backend.


please submit a ticket for this issue and include admin credentials for your site, as well as more detailed information and some screenshots in it. We will investigate it and write back as soon as possible.

zacsparrow wrote:
Hello, Im currently trying to configure our new web store since we updated from Ver-3.30 to 3.90 and we are using the Prisma Theme and a different folder for the new version of our shop. The problem is i cannot find the slider on the top of the page to remove it and replace it with the Nivo slider and i would like also to remove the Selected Products under it so i can add my own using the SmartProducts - Jcarousel Plugins. Ive checked all my files under the View Folder and tried commenting out some stuff that i read through the forums but nothing happens not even an error. Thank you in advance.

Zac    <---This is the website in case you would like to have a look!

Greetings Zac,

from what I can see at the link you have provided you have managed to change the main slider of the theme to Anywhere Sliders, but you need to change the slider widget zone to home_page_main_slider.

For the other things, we would need admin credentials for your site but do not submit them here, just submit a ticket and include them in it.

However, if I understand you correctly you want to add a JCarousel with your Smart Product Collection, which is not possible with the Prisma theme. You can have either one or the other.

jnoptemplate wrote:
Hi, I recently upgraded our nopcommerce from 3.4 to 4.0 and upgraded the Allure theme license as well.  Everything works fine other that the JCarousels that should be on the home page in the home_page_bottom widget zone are not showing up.  I have a faint recollection of this happening in 3.4 as well, but I can't seem to find anything in the style sheets that limit the height or hide display, etc.  Is anyone familiar with this issue in the Allure theme?  Also, I've tried to just recreate the Jcarousels instead of using the updated ones and that did not help.  Thanks


there was a problem with the widget zone during the upgrade, but this issue is now fixed. You can update your theme by end of the day and the carousel will appear.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

6 years ago

jborghesani wrote:
Hey guys,

How would I go about centering the items in a picture layout when there's fewer pictures than the number of boxes configured?

For example; if i have 6 boxes per row; but only 3 categories, can i get them center aligned; rather than all of them on the left hand side of the menu?


such customization is a bit harder to achieve. You need to add the following code to your Custom Head Styles section:

@media all and (min-width: 1001px) {
     .mega-menu .fullWidth.categories .row {
          text-align: center;
          font-size: 0;
     .mega-menu .fullWidth.categories .box {
          float: none;
          display: inline-block;
          vertical-align: top;
          font-size: 14px;
          text-align: left;

Have in mind that this solution will only work for the Default clean theme, for any of the other themes you would probably need more customizations.

6 years ago

Peppi wrote:
Hi Valentin, i just bought the plugin some weeks ago. Where i can see the version witch i have installed? I don't see any changelogs for this theme.
Also i don't know how to update the theme, can you explain?

Best Regards,

Greetings again Giuseppe,

this issue has been fixed on 4-th of June. You cannot see it anywhere yet. So you must have downloaded your product before that. If you update your theme following the instructions in our documentation - How to update a theme you will have the latest changes. However, if this is the only thing you are looking to fix and you can leave the previously discussed solution and update later on.

The decision is up to you.

The only thing I want to mention is - if you decide to use the previously mentioned solution with your CSS customization, make sure to write it in your Custom Head Styles section. That way if you update the changes will not be overwritten.

6 years ago

Peppi wrote:
in the list view of the catalog there is some thing wrong with the picture sizes. I thing the wrap for the pictures are not working correct or it's wrong set. The width is too big and it's covering the text area on the right side. The high is correct 260px and in admin under /Admin/Setting/Media i set "Preview size of the product image (catalog)" to 260px but it's not helping.
What is wrong here?

I needed to override css because of the stupide theme settings, the image max-width was set to none and the height you can set in admin in percent. Max-width: 100%; height: auto; works better.

.item-box .picture > a img {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    -ms-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

Greetings Giuseppe,

indeed there used to be an issue with landscape images in product-list view, however, it has been fixed for a couple of weeks now. If you update your theme you can see the result.

Our design requires the image to be always full height in product-list view, that is why the height was always fixed to 100%, we just show the middle part of it if it doesn't have a rectangular shape.

Your approach seems to be working for you, so you can leave it like it is, but you do not need all the code. You can use just this snippet instead:

.item-box .picture > a img {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;


Hope this was helpful.

6 years ago

Peppi wrote:
Hi Valentin,

thank's for your help, i get it.

Do you also know how to change the social icons? This looks some more complicated.

Greetings Giuseppe,

you cannot change the social icons, you can only choose which ones to show or not. The icons themselves are part of the theme-icon-font and changing their appearance would require a lot of customization on the theme files and the styling.

If you are not familiar with icon-fonts and how to use them it's best if you don't try to change them.

6 years ago

ni-fara wrote:
Hi, in shopping cart when the customer must check the checkbox to say if he is agree or disagree with conditions of use, there is a "read" link which opens a pop up that shows the conditions of use. But the pop up window doesn't have a vertical scroll and as a result it shows only a little part of conditions of use for sites which their conditions are some how long.


to fix this issue you need to add the following CSS to your Custom Head Styles section, located in your admin panel -> Nop-templates -> Themes -> Pavilion -> Settings:

.ui-dialog-content {
    overflow: auto;

6 years ago

Peppi wrote:

i would like to change some settings in the footer menu. How i can change in the Payment options section the icons? I would like remove Amex and Paypal or all and replace it with SEPA.

The same i have with the follow us section. I would replace twitter with xing or linkedin.

Best Regards,

Greetings Giuseppe,

to achieve this you need to go in your file explorer to this location:

~ Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Emporium\Views\Shared\Components\Footer

and open the Default.cshtml in your text editor.

Then go to line 94 and you will see this code:

<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon1.png")" alt="" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon2.png")" alt="" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon3.png")" alt="" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon6.png")" alt="" />

These are your payment options icons. You need to keep the first line, the other three you can delete. Save the file.
Then you need a SEPA logo image which is about the same size as the current icons (48px x 30px), rename the file like so - pay_icon1.png. Have in mind that if your logo is not a .png file you need to change the file extension in the above-mentioned line of code, too.

Then go to:

~ Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Emporium\Content\img

and replace the existing pay_icon1.png file with your new image.

That is all.