
Profile: Valentin


User posts

bhavikm20 wrote:

Emporium is one the best theme on mobile view so far but header wishlist icon (besides Cart icon) is not showing.

Hello bhavikm20,

thank you for your kind words.

During the design phase of the theme, we decided that we should leave only the main features of the header visible at all times, that is why we move the Wishlist inside the menu on mobile.

6 years ago

baloghc wrote:

Is there a reason why the Ajax Filters plugin does not show on mobile devices (screen below 769px wide)? Is there an easy way to restore these or would it cause issues?

Hello baloghc,

the reason why the Ajax FIlters are not shown at all times on mobile screen is mainly better user experience. They would take up too much space on the page that you would need to scroll in order to reach the products.

That is why they are made to show when the filters button is clicked. Please refer to this  image

Hope this claries things a bit.

Basic Changes
6 years ago

swap_roy wrote:
I want to the mega menu stick on the top when scrolling down.

Thanks in advance.

Greetings swap_roy,

we can suggest a possible way to achieve this but have in mind that since this is not part of the original design of the theme - it has never been tested and if you encounter any issues in the future you would need to deal with them yourself.

Having that in mind, try adding the following code to your theme`s Custom Head Styles section:

@media all and (min-width:1025px) {
    .header {
         position: fixed;
         width: 100%;
         top: 0;
         left: 0;
         background: #fff;
         z-index: 1000;
    .admin-header-links {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 1000;
    .admin-header-links ~ .header {
         top: 35px;
    .master-wrapper-page {
         padding-top: 163px;

dimitrishd wrote:

My website needs to display the categories in the main menu, but under them not the subcategories but some products in that categories with pictures.

Is this possible?

Hello dimitrishd,

there is no such possibility in the default nop-commerce system.

However, if you need any modifications done on your site you can look at our new service called Theme Tweaks.
It allows you to hire us to do any customizations you need on your site and only us for the time it takes us to do it.

6 years ago

JRon wrote:
Hi, I am wondering why is it not possible to have custom product list in the Category Product Collection (just like a tab with custom list in  Custom Product Collection)

It´s much easier to add the products that way, rather then using featured products.

How does the feature product list work, I thought, that products marked "show on homepage" would be categorized as featured product but my products that are marked "show on homepage" do not show up if I select featured  as a sort method

Hello JRon,

In order to have a Category collection, you need to have a Category and products associated to it. You need to be able to access that Category's page, too.

With Custom products you have no such page. This is precisely why the Smart Product Collections plugin has a separate section for Custom Product Collections.

You can always create a custom category with the products you want to show and then use the Category Product Collection functionality, otherwise, the Custom Product Collections is the only way to go.

As for the featured products, you are correct, the Show on home page option marks them as featured. There must be another issue there. You can submit a ticket for that so we can investigate what the problem might be.

6 years ago

bcdiesel wrote:
I’m trying to put a carousel on my front page showing a list of our manufacturers, but for some reason when I choose manufacturers as the data source type, there is no carousel title or navigation arrows displayed. If I change the data source to any other source, the title bar comes up. 

Bug or...?

Greetings bcdiesel,

are you using some of our themes or are you using just the plugin?

In your admin panel when you go to Nop-templates -> Plugins -> JCarousel -> Manage Carousels and then click Edit on your Manufacturers carousel, you will see two checkboxes - Arrows navigation and Show title.

If these two checkboxes aren't checked then the arrows and the title will not show.

If you check these two and they still don't show then you need to submit a ticket and include a link and admin credentials for your site in it.

Please do not post your credentials here because other users will be able to see them, too.

6 years ago

RobbyBassic wrote:
Related to Color Squares and Image Squares

When one product has a couple of color squares and a couple of image squares the main large image does not change when clicking on the image squares, only changes when a color square is clicked.

It works only if it's the first thing that is clicked after a page refresh, meaning it works only if you click the image square first, but stops working after clicking the color square.

There are images associated to all squares and SKU does change when any of the squares are clicked.

Hey RobbyBassic,

to investigate what the issue might be we need a link with an example from your site. Please submit a ticket for this issue and include a working link to such a product and admin credentials for your site.

Do not post your credentials here in the Forum because other users will be able to see them, too.

6 years ago

Peppi wrote:

i have seen that in the "Anywhere Slider" there is the option to set conditions. For me this is a great feature.

I will reach that i can display for loged-out users some specific banners in widget zone 1 and for loged-in users also in widget zone 1 an other feature like the "JCarousel" or "Smart Product Collections" or "Sale of the Day".

Is this possible?


Greetings Peppi,

yes, you can achieve this but you need to set conditions to all the plugins you want to use, not only the sliders.

For example, you can set an Anywhere slider to appear in widget-zone-1 only if the is user has a role of Guest and you can set a Jcarousel in the same widget zone but set it to appear only if the user is registered.

Hope this was helpful.
Have a nice day!

6 years ago

Tommy wrote:

Is it right you don´t have a scroll to top button on this theme?


Greetings Tommy,

yes, there is no scroll to top button in the Emporium theme.

6 years ago

ryaneklipse wrote:
Great! I'll post a ticket for the issue I'm having then.

As for the dots, how do I change them to arrows? Am I just missing an admin option on the cloud zoom carousel option?

Greetings ryaneklipse,

normally you have the arrows of the carousel right over the main image as you can see on our demo here.

If you need to disable the dots, you can go in your admin panel to All settings and search for this setting - cloudzoomsettings.enablesliderdots. Then you need to set its value to false and the dots will disappear.