
Profile: Valentin


User posts

toanhnt wrote:
Hi, I need to add different url to second language for the info boxes. There is no point of having multi-language then point the url to English page. Please help

Hello toanhnt,

thank you for your consideration. That is a good suggestion and we will schedule it for implementation.

madisonj wrote:
The AddThis Social Media Sharing buttons are disabled in ArtFactory Theme in nopCommerce 4.1

Any particular reason why?

Hello madisonj,

the social sharing buttons on the product page of Art factory have been always hidden for design reasons, and not only in v4.1.

However, they are still there and if you like to show them, you can add the following code to your themes` Custom Head Styles section:

.product-share-button {
     display: inline-block;

6 years ago

Vlad Starr wrote:
I am also getting the same error message with flickering product images, but only on the iPad version of Chrome.  I just submitted a ticker refarding the problem.  It doesn't seem to be specific to my site as it happens on the Nop Pavilliom Demo producf listing page when you try to apply a filter.

Hello Vlad Starr,

we saw your ticket and replied a while ago.

However, if anyone else encounters this issue we need to inform you that this is a bug specific for the Chrome browser on Apple devices - iPads, MACs etc.

As we investigated the issue we came across the following Google Support team forum post which gives a probable solution to the issue.

Vlad Starr wrote:
The Prisma layout on the iPad defaults to the mobile view even if you request a desktop view. The iPad retina has enough resolution to comfortably display pages in  desktop layout.  What is the best way to change fhis?

Hello Vlad Starr,

even if your iPad resolution supports a desktop view, it is not safe to enable it since on iPad you have no pointer device (e.g. mouse) and therefore - there is no hover effect. This is used to show elements and interact with the desktop site and if you do not have it, the site will not function properly.

That is why on touch device all the hover effects are replaced with clicks in order for the user to be able to trigger them.

Hope this answers your question.

6 years ago

christopherho wrote:
Hello, we are trying to use the Template "with pictures" for a child category but trying to swap templates gives us "You can't select this template because it does not allow the menu item to have any child elements or any parent elements!". Is it possible to have a parent and also allow the child categories to have pictures?

Hello christopherho,

unfortunately no, you can have a template with pictures only on the first level of categories in your Mega Menu.

[email protected] wrote:
I have attempted to reset the JCarousel image size on the front page of our site that uses the Lighthouse theme. I'm using "The images of the items in the carousel are resized according to the "Product thumbnail image size (catalog)" setting in the category settings". I am attempting this in NOP 4.0 under product. It is not working. What am I missing?

Hello John,

the reason why you are getting this issue because you haven't installed your JCarousel plugin correctly.

In the following location in your file explorer, you should have a folder with your themes` name and the specific styling for the plugin required for this theme:


this folder is located in your plugins` download package in the Themes folder.

toanhnt wrote:

How to yo set 2 products per row on mobile? I was able to set it in version 3.9 by change
@media all and (min-width: 481px) to @media all and (min-width: 480px), but it does not seem to work on current version 4.1

Thank you

Hello toanhnt,

it is not safe to change the break-point values in the themes CSS files.

Instead you can use the following code, which you should add to your themes Custom Head Styles section:

@media all and (max-width: 480px) {
    .item-box {
        width: 49%;
        margin-left: 2%;
    .item-box:nth-child(2n+1) {
        clear: both;
        margin-left: 0;

Have in mind that this will affect also the category and sub-category boxes, but I guess this is what you are looking for since the modification you previously did would have affected them, too.

6 years ago

mohamadi wrote:
how I can change height nivo slider in pavilion theme in version mobile?

Hello mohamadi,

the height of the nivo slider depends solely on the height of the images you have uploaded. Uploading taller images will result in a taller slider.

However, if you upload images with different height the height of the slider will vary depending on the currently active image.

6 years ago

mohamadi wrote:
how can i change number of items in jcarousel in responsive mode

Hello mohamadi,

for this purpose you need to open your administration and go to Configuration -> Settings -> All settings and search for this setting:


Edit this setting and change the number after slidesToShow for each breakpoint.

However, have in mind that this is customization and therefore - it has not been tested. If you encounter any problems with it you would need to deal with them yourself.

6 years ago

toanhnt wrote:
Hello Valentin Kirov,

Thank you for your reply. What I mean is
how to add another widget zone under that but using different category ID for the new widget zone.
For example:

var categoryIds = new List<int> { 2, 3, 4 }
widgetZone = "categorydetails_top"
var categoryIds = new List<int> { 5, 6, 7 }
widgetZone = "example"

Hello again toanhnt,

in that case you should do something like this:

  var categoryIds = new List<int> { 2, 3, 4 }; // Inside the curly brackets you can list all category IDs, comma separated

  if (categoryIds.Contains(Model.Id))
    @await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "categorydetails_top", additionalData = Model.Id })

  var secondCategoryIds = new List<int> { 5, 6, 7 }; // Inside the curly brackets you can list all category IDs for the additional widget-zone, comma separated

  if (secondCategoryIds.Contains(Model.Id))
    @await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "NAME_OF_OTHER_WIDGET_ZONE", additionalData = Model.Id })

Where for the secondCategoryIds you specify only the IDs for the additional widget zone.