
how do i change the style of increament & decreament button

7 years ago
#14332 Quote
  • 7
In the Order Summery table, when we mouse over on the quantity field the arrow keys of increament & decreament display on the field. how can I change the style, background image of these element, and how can i set that these things always display in the table?
7 years ago
#14334 Quote
  • 172
niterider wrote:
In the Order Summery table, when we mouse over on the quantity field the arrow keys of increament & decreament display on the field. how can I change the style, background image of these element, and how can i set that these things always display in the table?


what you are referring to is not part of the theme styling and you cannot safely change these arrows.

They are a part of the so-called Shadow DOM and appear differently according to the browser you are using. They come automatically when you have an input field of type number.

There are partial solutions for some of the browsers but a complete solution for all.
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov