
Profile: niterider


User posts

In the Order Summery table, when we mouse over on the quantity field the arrow keys of increament & decreament display on the field. how can I change the style, background image of these element, and how can i set that these things always display in the table?

Sticky menu
7 years ago

Hi. How can I change css file that Menu act like a sticky menu. When I scroll the page I want to menu stay at top

7 years ago

When we use Image Squares for the control type of product features, it acts like a radio button but I want to use pictures for the checkbox. is there any solution for this?
I think I have to edit _AjaxCartProductAttributes file. thanks

I used this free plugin in my site
it doen't work with nop ajax cart.
do you know what's the problem?

I have not any problem in css part, is there any learning document about this article. where is JS code of 'card' button.

I couldn't find English Website sample but would you please look at the link below:
if you push the + button, the product add to shopping cart on the side bar.
then we can increament quantity of products by click on + button and decreament the quntity by click on - button

I want to manipulate brooklyn theme to implement something like this.

I want to display mini shopping cart in home page and any other shopping page instead of flyout mini shopping cart.
the problem is that when I add a product to cart, the number of quantity will be updated but the mini shopping cart doesn't change until refreshing the page.

finally I want to develope someting like the page below