
Profile: todor.atanasov


User posts

4 years ago

raymehra wrote:
I have purchased a theme (Art Pacifico) from nop-templates and tried to import demo data into the theme but could not do it. I have registered with Microsoft Azure and using it for Nopcommerce no Visual studio is used still now.

Can anyone help me out with the issue need to import demo data into the theme?


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Due to how Azure works, you would have to first restore the demo DB locally. Then, you need to delete our Ajax Filters stored procedure and the users which you can find in the Database -> Security -> Users.

Then back up the database and you will be able to restore it in azure.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

4 years ago

Yodew wrote:
Hello Todor,

Thank you for your reply. I tried that solution. After that I allowed Location access for all time. Same error showing me for that too.
When check your demo version I'm getting the same error.



Thank you for your reply!

Please raise a ticket in our ticket system and provide us with the URL of your store, in order for us to investigate further.


Further to my last reply, nopCommerce has an option in the General settings called Store closed.

Please give it a try and let me know if that is the feature you are looking for.

4 years ago

Yodew wrote:
Getting an error when click Use My Current Location.

User Geolocation denied. You should enable it from browser permissions settings. Setting the marker to default position...

Site using SSL and i have enabled following APIs,
Directions API
Geocoding API
Geolocation API
Maps JavaScript API
Places API


Thank you for your reply!

This is not an issue with the website itself. It seems that you have denied the website's access to your location through the browser. Usually, your browsers ask you for permission to give your location to a specific website.

Please read more here -

Widget Zone
4 years ago

kh_s wrote:
Hi, how can add text and video in category page after product list?
in widget zone is not categorydetails_AFTER_product_list.


Thank you for reaching out to us!

You can use the categorydetails_bottom widget zone.

[email protected] wrote:
Hello All, Any one successfully done this - I'd greatly appreciate any tip. Any decent known plugin would also be appreciated. thanks


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Could you please explain what do you mean by holding page?

4 years ago

jacky.yau wrote:
Hi Support

I am creating a pages for my customer and I found the following problems:

1. The images size on desktop and mobile seems not able to separate the size. I have loaded a blank 1px x 1px on desktop version and a pic 1920x768px on mobile version. I found that the desktop version also use the size on mobile version and make my page have a lots of space with blank image. How can I resolve it?
2. I found the desktop page using maximum size to display the pictures in slides pages. The mobile page looks fine. How can I resizing the slides on desktop?
3. Can I have difference widget zone for desktop and mobile?


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with access to your store. As well as steps to reproduce the issue.

ajax filter
4 years ago

gahrvoje wrote:
But it is not work if you used Iventory method: Track inventory by product attributes.


The way that nopCommerce works is that if you have selected the Iventory method: Track inventory by product attributes, the quantity will always be 0.

I believe this is due to performance reasons.

4 years ago

embryo wrote:
I've got a suggestion for the Facebook Shop plugin.
It is possible to allow other Facebook users to display our tabbed page widget at Facebook, but why would they do it unless they could earn commissions???

Those of us who utilize the native affiliate program would really benefit from being able to tell Facebook users that they can put our Facebook Store on their own Facebook page, AND earn affiliate commissions from sales resulting from click-throughs on our shopping widget.

Put your brains to work and make this happen!


Thank you for reaching out to us!

You can try to provide the same steps from the documentation for creating a Facebook app and assign it to a Facebook page. Of course, you would have to provide the details of your business to the Facebook user that manages the page in question.

You can add your Facebook app to any Facebook group where you have administrator rights.

ajax filter
4 years ago

gahrvoje wrote:
I used ajax filter for product attribute.  Product has attributes like S, M, L, XL.

Also product has “Track inventory by product attributes”.
Is it  possible to configure ajax filter to show only product which have stock quantity greater than zero.
<br> S – stock:3

M - stock:0
<br>L – stock:3
<br>XL stock:10

If customer check  M then product1 is not visible


Thank you for reaching out to us!

There is an option in the Ajax Filter Settings -> Availability Settings called Enable In Stock Filter. If you enable it, an In stock filter will be displayed, which will filter only the products that are available in stock.