
Profile: todor.atanasov


User posts

5 years ago

majid.mahmoodi wrote:
We create a blogger user and it just access to blog section for add and edit blog posts.
but when edit a post with this user, don't show additional plugin features(rich blog images, Manage Categories and Related blog posts).
how can I access to this user?

Greetings Majid,

Our plugins have separate permissions, where you can allow your blogger role those features. You can do that by going to Nop-Templates -> Plugins Access Control. Then allow Admin area. Manage Nop Rich Blog plugin

If you need any further advice, please let us know.

MattHobson wrote:
Hi, We have a NopCommerce 4.20 installation with the Native Theme and Ajax Cart. We keep seeing the following error in the Error log.

Error 404. The requested page (/shoppingcart/productdetails_attributechange) was not found

There are no additional details in the full Error message,its just empty.

I believe in previous versions of NopCommerce this was due to case sensitivity in the page request and the resolution was to make it all lower case. I have have scanned the whole of the source code looking for any differences but none where found, so just wondered if the compiled plugin was still using the version with different case. It does not appear to cause any issue with the actual checkout process but is filling the log with quite a few entries.

Any advice on this would be kindly appreciated

Matt Hobson

Hi Matt.

It seems that bot crawlers are trying to access the given URL address, but since this is a POST request if you try to access the URL without passing parameters, you will get a 404 error.

It's not something you should worry about.

You can disable the logging of messages containing the given URL. You can do that by going to Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced) by adding the URL in the commonsettings.ignorelogwordlist.

To get more information for any log message, you can click on View next to it.

5 years ago

Damir wrote:
Hi, thanks for the answer... But, as I wrote in my post, I have placed my widget there, but I want the content placed BEFORE the selectors, on far left side. I did solved it with absolute positioning, but it would be nicer if there was a way of putting it there without css hacks.

Hi Damir,

Unfortunately, there is no such Widget zone in nopCommerce. So achieving this without creating a custom widget zone is not possible. You can raise a ticket in our ticket system, so we can assist you further with your goal.

5 years ago

Damir wrote:
I want to create a widget that will show up on left side of upper-header, where language and currency selectors reside. I can only place a widget after those selectors as it is, but I'd rather have my widget on top left, that is pretty much standard place for many sites to show phone numbers, or some other important information. Any way of doing it without needing to hack some new custom zones?

Hi Damir,

Thank you for contacting us!

The widget that you can use is header_selectors. When you add a custom HTML code with the Nop HTML Widgets plugin, this will be displayed right next to the currency/language selectors.

This is the way you can add custom HTML without creating a custom widget zone yourself.

If you need any further advice, just let me know.

5 years ago

sbecoso wrote:

I'm trying to display subTotalDiscount on the chekout page but I can't figure out how to do it

I'm sure a discount is already applied

I tried to remove ng-show="vm.orderTotalData.subTotalDiscount" but the amount is empty?

Could you help me please ?



It should be displayed automatically if your discount is applied and the discount type is set to "Assigned to order total".

However, if you are using a discount type "Assigned to products", the discount will be shown next to each product that has that discount applied, but not in the final discount field.

This is the default nopCommerce behavior and I just tested it on my end even without the One Page Checkout plugin (with the Default Clean theme), so even if you disable our plugin, you should still see the same results.

Please let me know what type of discount you are using so I can assist you further.

Jcomp wrote:

This is the default behaviour for nopCommerce. If you change the Language or Currency, it reloads the page but deletes all the parameters that are in the URL.

Unfortunately, this is something we don't want to modify as it means we would have to change the core of nopCommerce.

Hello Todor,

I can agree that changing Language and Currency is the critical path and can live with such kind of behavior. But what is not acceptable is when user change page size of the grid all filters disappears. And when the user is changing the sorting of the grid it works as expected i.e. filters remain persistent.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to replicate the issue.

Could you please raise a ticket in which you can provide us with the URL and steps to replicate the issue, so we can investigate further?

No need to create a ticket, I've figured out what was the problem. For some reason "Product Page Size Dropdown Selector" contains wrong selector - "#products-pagesize" instead of "#products-pagesize-mobile, #products-pagesize-desktop". It might be related to the fact I've updated component a month ago. Anyway, the problem is resolved thanks for the help!

I'm happy to hear you managed to resolve the issue.

If there is anything we can assist you with, please let us know.

Jcomp wrote:

This is the default behaviour for nopCommerce. If you change the Language or Currency, it reloads the page but deletes all the parameters that are in the URL.

Unfortunately, this is something we don't want to modify as it means we would have to change the core of nopCommerce.

Hello Todor,

I can agree that changing Language and Currency is the critical path and can live with such kind of behavior. But what is not acceptable is when user change page size of the grid all filters disappears. And when the user is changing the sorting of the grid it works as expected i.e. filters remain persistent.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to replicate the issue.

Could you please raise a ticket in which you can provide us with the URL and steps to replicate the issue, so we can investigate further?

5 years ago

randika wrote:
Hi, In Nop Store Locator 4.2 version, i can see Map Zoom level is not working. I tried with entering maximum and minimum zoom levels. But it's not working. In 4.1 it's working fine.


In this case, I would advise you to enable Manually Set Map Bounds (initial map position) option enabled and set Latitude and Longitude. Then the Map Zoom Level should work as expected.

Let me know if the issue persists.


This is the default behaviour for nopCommerce. If you change the Language or Currency, it reloads the page but deletes all the parameters that are in the URL.

Unfortunately, this is something we don't want to modify as it means we would have to change the core of nopCommerce.