
Profile: todor.atanasov


User posts

4 years ago

ChillyWilly wrote:
Hi Nop-Templates team!
Hope you´re all doing great during this times.
I want to change the logo for one of the social networks, Pinterest for example, for a Whatsapp logo. I tried to search for the images in the plugin  folder so that I replace it but I couldn't find anything about it.
Could you guys give me a hand please? I'm using Nop 4.2 btw.
Thank you very much and stay safe!



Thank you for your reply!

On some of our themes we use images, however, on others, the icons are added as either SVG or font files. Could you let us know which theme you are using, so we can investigate further?

Looking forward to your reply!

4 years ago

MattHobson wrote:
Has any progress been made on this. We are getting lots of spam emails because it looks like there is no recaptcha facility.


marc1b wrote:
This has now become a hot issue for us

All of a sudden we are getting an overwhelming number (1 every few seconds) of spam emails from the contact us tab on the product page.

I have disabled the tab but am still getting the emails.

What's the fastest way for me to stop this?


Thank you for contacting us!

We have decided to add reCaptcha check on the Contact us Quick Tab. It should be implemented in the upcoming days.

Do not hesitate to let us know if you need any further assistance.

4 years ago

[email protected] wrote:

I would like to know if it's possible to have custom AdThis share buttons in the Emporium product page.

Thank You.


Thank you for contacting us!

By default, nopCommerce uses AddThis, however, since our theme overwrites the view in question, the quickest way you can achieve this is by:

1. Making sure you have Page Share Code in Catalog settings
2. Delete the file \Themes\Emporium\Views\Product\_ShareButton.cshtml
3. Restart and you should now see the AddThis social buttons instead.

Let me know if you need any further advice.

4 years ago

BinHex wrote:
Hi. Is it posible to make ajax filters to be placed on mobile version just as in desktop version (above product grids)?


Thank you for contacting us!

Most of the themes have the Ajax Filters on the top. However, some themes have this as a sticky button at the bottom of the mobile screen. The location might vary on different themes.

Let me know if I can assist you with anything else.

4 years ago

sayyad84 wrote:
Thanks for reply.
We use Pavilion theme for nopCommerce 4.20. this problem exist in Pavilion demo site, too. for example for "Mega Menu Women's", slider is not displayed in mega_menu_categories_before_dropdown_end_1.
In our website, anywhere slider plugin only works in mega_menu_categories_before_dropdown_end_1 widget zone and other widget zones not working.


Thank you for your reply!

We have fixed the issue for 4.2 as well. Could you please update the plugin and let me know if the issue persists.

4 years ago

gsulaberidze wrote:


Please let me know how can I show categories on home page as it shown on screen

If I change display order (

to show exact category on home page as I want, sequence in top menu also changes.

Is there any other way for example to put exact category in top of the menu in first place but on home page on second one?


Thank you for contacting us. I hope you are safe and well!

You can follow our documentation on how to set up the home page, the same way as it is on our demo.

And regarding the top menu order, I would advise you to use our Mega menu plugin in order to manually order the items as per your needs.

Please let me know if you need any further advice.

4 years ago

OTH wrote:

I was wondering how I can remove "Contact Info" that seems to be a default feature of the Native theme?

It seems to be adding a 4th column to the website footer and we would want to disable/remove it since we don't need it. Is that a possibility?


Thank you for getting in touch with us. I hope you are safe and well!

The Contact info section can be removed only through the code of the Native theme, by removing it in the Themes\Native\Views\Shared\Components\Footer\Default.cshtml file. The code that is displaying the column in question is:

<div class="footer-middle-block contact-info">
            <h3 class="title">
            <ul class="footer-menu">
                <li class="address">
                <li class="phone-fax">
                <li class="email-website">

4 years ago

dges58 wrote:

Possible Bug: Tier Pricing not showing

i had this problem in version 4.2 and it still exists in 4.3
i was unable to verify on the demo site, as i could not find a product with tier prices.

Scenario: simple products contained in a group product. The simple products have tier pricing. The tier prices are not showing. My investigation showed the font-size was set to zero.


Thank you for reporting this!

We just released a fix for this. Please update the theme and the issue should be resolved.

Please let us know if you need any further advice.

5 years ago

dasroggel wrote:
we made in 3.8 version the specification attribute  and we could add in few clicks several specifications

in 4.2  emporium
I can specify only one at the time.

to add several it is not possible the selection area is becoming grey

how can i resolve this??


This change was made in nopCommerce 4.2. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do on our end in order to bring the old functionality, as this comes from nopCommerce itself.

5 years ago

OTH wrote:
Thank you very much, everything worked like a charm!

That's great. I'm happy I was able to help!