
User posts

11 months ago

Hello, hoping to get a response here.
We are seeing some serious issues with your Smart Product Collections Plug-in.

We are trying to improve our Google SEO position for some time to make our site respond faster for our main page for both Desktop and Mobile per Google’s requirements.

So, for our first issue we found that one of the plug-ins used for the Main Page Banners, had the Preload setting turned off.
So, when we  toggle this setting in the the Banner Image Carousel plug-in to have it pre-load the first image,  this showed an improved score.

However, we’re seeing that the Smart Product Collections is not pre-loading any images and blocking for Time to Interactions and Fully Loaded time.

The Featured Products Element just keep spinning.

Is there a way that the images for the first tab group of the Featured Products can be pre-loaded to improve the site response on first load?

We also have CDN with CloudFlare with Argo enabled, but still when we test for real-world Broadband simulation 20/5Mbps, we don’t favour very well.
In our latest speed tests, it took over 5 seconds waiting for SPC for Time to Interactive.

Please advise how to have Pre-Load Images option for First Featured Products Tab images, this would be the best solution to improve main page load time significantly.

Awaiting your positive response.
