
Profile: xtsiliv


User posts

11 years ago

I have problem with filter sizes, when i insert the size attribute for a product
(e.g ) i have 2 box sizes and 2 same number of sizes!!
I have the same problem again and again!! I cant import any product...

Thank you!

ps. I already have sent message to [email protected]

11 years ago

In the product page i put color attributes with color squares eg 3 colors (red, white,black) and 3 pictures (red, white,black) under the foto product.
is it possible to click the red color square attribute and in the same time the red picture comes up? or when i click the white color square the white picture comes up? like link. Color squares attributes with the pictures.


11 years ago

My site is local right now.
In the folder Themes\Beauty\Content\css are the fonts

avantgardegothicltextralight (.eot .svg .ttf)
avantgardenormal (.eot .svg .ttf)

can you explain me how these fonts work in the styles.css?

because in styles.css in many places has the avantgarde and avantgarde_light font. Where are these fonts? My half site with the english words is great! the other half with the greek words is not good.

If i find another .ttf font except the standar fonts that regognized on web eg a calligraphic font that supports my language  and put it in the file  Themes\Beauty\Content\css will this work?  and how?

I mean that if all the fonts in my site take the source from the file like src: url('newfont.ttf');
will this work?


12 years ago

Boyko wrote:

Virtuemart in joomla supports something like this.
Take a look! The theme is awful!! but after description of the most products has the next and previous product.


We got the idea. This seems to be very useful. With the JCarousel plugin you can show products from the same category on the product page, which is something similar but not the same.
Would you mind suggesting your idea in our UserVoice portal?

Many thanks!

ok i just did it!

12 years ago

Boyko wrote:
I wonder if in nopshop all theme i can see my products on product page one by one...
like this: next -->next-->next-->next-->next etc
so... if i want, i dont have to go back every time in each category.

is it possible? i search and i didnt find any check box to chose.


Hi xtsiliv,

This is not possible in the Shop All theme as well as any other theme. Actually this is not supported in general in nopCommerce. Could you provide a link to a live web site that has this functionality, so that we can take a look?


Virtuemart in joomla supports something like this.
Take a look! The theme is awful!! but after description of the most products has the next and previous product.


12 years ago

I wonder if in nopshop all theme i can see my products on product page one by one...
like this: next -->next-->next-->next-->next etc
so... if i want, i dont have to go back every time in each category.

is it possible? i search and i didnt find any check box to chose.


12 years ago

IvanStoyanov wrote:
Hi !

I want to change the words: Overview, Specifications and Reviews
in product page  to my language (Greek)
Where can i search? in which file?
I cant find it!

Can you help me?

Hi xtsiliv,

This words are resources. You can change them by going to Configuration=>Languages. Click "View string resources" next to your language (in your case Greek). Search by resource string or value and change it.

Ivan Stoyanov

Thank you !! So much!!!

12 years ago

Hi !

I want to change the words: Overview, Specifications and Reviews
in product page  to my language (Greek)
Where can i search? in which file?
I cant find it!

Can you help me?

12 years ago

Boyko wrote:
according to this topic:

i try to add in MegaMenu.cshtml submenu to an item that i create, but my submenu  displays as a list item and is not hidden and does not show as drop down on hover as the other section does on hover. Can somebody help me with the code please?


Hi xtsiliv,

You have probably missed to add the additional css classes to your submenu.

This is the structure of a dropdown menu item:
<li><a href="#">Text</a>
        <div class="dropdown fullWidth">
           Submenu text here

The div with the dropdown class is a must while the fullWidth class is optional.

Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!
Nop-Templates Support Team

You are really helpful !!
Thank you !!
Merry Christmas!!!! and a Happy New Year!!!

12 years ago

according to this topic:

i try to add in MegaMenu.cshtml submenu to an item that i create, but my submenu  displays as a list item and is not hidden and does not show as drop down on hover as the other section does on hover. Can somebody help me with the code please?
