
Profile: jakubz


User posts

9 years ago

Maybe Smart Responsive theme support lazy loading? 

Hi! maybe you thinking about start support this plugin in smart Theme? ;)

Yes i change it. ;)

Ok i resolve this on topics page. Just adding Width="100%" in source code. 

Unfortunelly still have trobule with products page, maybe I don't have idea how to change it in css... sometimes images are 100% width, but most of them are 200-300px and float right. :/

Hi! I have trouble with my a page. After upgrade to Smart Responsive lots of my page has "too big" images" in details page or topic pages. 

Example for it: 

Maybe someone can help me fix it and scale images on smaller resolutions (then page has too big width)? 

Any ideas?

Thx! :)

Hi! i'm looking information but can't find on forum and in documentation. I have trouble with image sliders and text quality on them. 

My question is about, what size/resolution and format is optimal in:
HomePage Slide image
Left Column image

I try on home page 1920x320 and 1280x254 but "fonts' on image losing quality. PNG is too "heavy"...

Maybe you can help me?

9 years ago

Hi again! Now I can show it on my page

Problem is with "mega menu" in mobile version when it "hiding" behind a form search search. This happens when we start scrolls down the page.

I think it's something different, on demo page it's works fine. I download newest version of plugin, but Mega Menu css doesn't change... I copy dll, but this don't help. Maybe now, when you can look for it,  you can me help to fix it?

9 years ago

Hi! maybe you can add filter to "shows only products with Free Delivery"? 

We have two ways to create settings: 
1. On product details we have checked "free delivery"
2. In Ajax Filter plugin settings we can add "value" where products are sends for free. 

For example scenario 
We have promo with free delivery. Condition is "free shipping when your cart is 100$ or greater value. 

We click on products list and filter show us all products with "free delivery" (greater than 100% or have "checked" in product details.

9 years ago

Hi! i have one question about speed loading page.

Maybe you are tested, what is faster?
1. When I add html code into nopcommerce html.
2. When i add html code using with html plugin?