
Profile: jakubz


User posts

10 years ago

Hi! how can i change footer block with information "about us"? I want insert another topic (shorter/without photo etc.), but don't have idea how to do this?

Hi Hristo, thanks for answer :) Now I'm thinking about mobile version is there any chance to change to display 2 products in grid/line?

1. I want do something like a here: I think this is really good solution. When we have only one product "in line" clients can be tired taps screen so many times to scroll all products. Maybe is possible to rescale item box/image for mobile version? 
Do you even try to do this somewhere and maybe knows troubles with this solution? 

2. I have one more question about change main color. I want change it for my own color, in plugin settings I have only this default? Maybe you know easy way to change it everywhere or i need do this in all css? I have same question about buttons and color of price's?

3. I have same question like 2. - about buttons (I want little change it) and color of prices?

I have one more question about change main color. I want change it for my own color is there easy way to change it? or i need to change it everywhere? :(

Hi Hristo, thanks for answer :) Now I'm thinking about mobile version is there any chance to change to display 2 products in grid/line?
I want do something like a here: I think this is really good solution. When we have only one product "in line" clients can be tired taps screen so many times to scroll all products. Maybe is possible to rescale item box/image for mobile version?
Do you even try to do this somewhere and maybe knows troubles with this solution?

Best regards, Kuba.

Hi Guys! I bought smart template week ago, but  unfortunately now i need to change few things. The biggest one (how i think) is change on product list. I want show 4 products in grid (not 3 how is in template), and 2 products in line (on mobile version).
Maybe someone from you can help me and tell, how should i start do this? How to start change it? Maybe someone know standards of mobile resolution? or tell me how should I start change it?

Next question: is somewhere one place where can i change main color of template?


10 years ago

Hi and thx for answer!

I changed how you wrote and now I'm waiting to effects.

PS Yep, I know I'm asking here, because I was thinking this is "social forum" - no place official support :)

10 years ago

Hi Guys! I started using this plugin few days ago but I do  something wrong.

I want to create Rule:
When Registered Customer add product to cart, but he doesn't bought. Plugin should wait three days and then send only one remaind mail - to this customer.

I configured reminder:
- Remind Rule:                                                Abandobned Shopping Cart
- Number of messages to Sen Per Customer: 1
- Condition Met Date Later Than:                    3 Days
- Contion Met Date Earlier Than:                    Enter value
- Interval Between Messages:                         1 minute.

But something it's wrong. When I check to Reminder Messages Report I see 7-8 emails sended to one customer (interval 1 - 10 minutes).

What I do wrong? I use version 3.20 but I can't make upgrade :(

10 years ago

Thx! new plugins looks great :)

Unfortunelly i don't have 3.30 version :/ I have lots customization on page, and upgrade to new version, plugins etc. take lots of time ... :/ but now maybe we do upgrade.

Sorty by popularity - I was thinking this is easy to add, because we have "bestsellers" and system somewhere have data about selling, but If you talk this need more change...

Thx for answers!

10 years ago

Hi guys!

I have few suggestions. I hope you understand me ;) My English is weak ;(

1. Sort products (now we have name, price, "position" etc.). Maybe you can add "sort by popularity"? Then we see on first pages "bestsellers" I thnks this should be great feature.

2. Add filter "only in stock/available" - this should hide products with status "out of stock" with 0 on stock?.

3. Show products only with discounts - now i have lots of products in promotion,but nopcommerce don't support to show them all in one place, or "filter". I think this feature should give lot of conversions.

Best Regards,

10 years ago

We use Nop Ajax Filters on

We also have installed yours other plugins :)