Hello, I was wondering if, when using ajax pro filters, it is possible to roam through filters randomly? Opposite of current Category > Manufacturer > Category > Attribute > etc
For example, someone wants to look straight into Category, or straight into attribute, also does it work without clicking search button?
Hello, thanks for quick answer. Found what i was looking for i will check it later today. I need it because back to the top button isnt working properly on site im using it(it shows instantly when page is loaded, not after some scrolling). I also need to make it show that there is bottom content (arrow pointing downwards).
i was wondering where is script for handling back to top button located? i tried searching everywhere but couldnt find it, thanks in advance
Mega menu not showing on IE, using 3.30 version......
Isnt the active/disable most important function of any plugin? nevermind... yes, i did purchase with different account, and yes i will let you know if anything else isnt working properly
I only replaced dll nothing else. Next thing, these are screens of my settings http://imgur.com/a/f50Ql, i want it to be ACTIVE active, slider that is on home page is not showing on home page as it should, and it says its active. I dont really have any more patience for this, seriously.... I can't really write anything because im really mad and disapointed
So, i managed to make it work after replacing dll. It disabled and destroyed half of my conditions but okay np, not my mistake for sure. Next thing is how do you disable specific slider because i have no option??!?!? i mean, this is going from worse to the worst, and we didnt take another annual subscription to ultimate collection because all of the issues and tens for hours wasted to fix mistakes thats not our but yours. well done
I am using stated version, but still have issue, anything else that might be issue?
i cant find 3.3.432.11283
i only have 3.3.891.12004