
Profile: nikola.dragiev


User posts


We created a post for the issue in the nopCommerce community forum and we will see if the problem will be handled by the nopCommerce development team.


In our plugins, we use the nopCommerce Picture controller for file uploading. In our products, we only use the ID of the picture so in essence if you add a picture anywhere in nopCommerce(for example you can test it with Product picture) the file will be resized the same way. There is indeed such an issue with larger images than the original size but it comes from the default nopCommerce functionality and we have no control over that code. As a workaround, you can open the \wwwroot\images\thumbs folder and replace the images with the original by hand. Also, you can report that to the nopCommerce support team and maybe they can come up with a solution for the next versions of the platform.


The problem seems to be that the header of your website sticks, which is not a default functionality of the theme. Maybe you should consider calculating the height of the window and adding a scroll to it. The theme is not developed with a sticky header, and it is customized after the purchase, so we can not provide you with a fix for that. For such questions, you can submit us a ticket through our ticketing system and we would be happy to help or advice where needed.

5 years ago


You can try adding this CSS code inside your Custom Head Styles textfield(Admin -> Nop-Templates -> Themes -> Emporium -> Settings):

@media all and (min-width: 1025px) {
.header-upper {
    background-color: #the hex value of the color;

5 years ago


The Nop JCarousel puling is added in the HTML with widget zones. In the Razor view files, you have specifically defined widget zones in which you can add a markup and in the plugins administration, you have a dropdown with the major nopCommerce widget zones. In the plugin files, you can find a SupportedWidgetZones.xml file where you can add a widget zone which is not included in the dropdown.

5 years ago

Hello Torsten,

If you are using nopCommerce version 4.1 then the Terms of Service popup is a topic which you can find in Content Management -> Topics(Pages) -> ConditionsOfUse. Maybe there is an issue with that topic or the whole topic can be missing. It will be easier for us to provide you with the best support if you submit a ticket for that issue.

6 years ago


All of our products are compatible with nopCommerce version 4.10. If you decide to upgrade your website and you have a valid license for the theme, you can download the theme files from our website. Have in mind that the files from version 4.0 will not work in version 4.1 and if you like to upgrade you will have to replace all plugin and theme files. Also, you will have to run the two upgrade script files that you will find in the package of the theme. For any other questions, don't hesitate to contact our support via our ticketing system.


If you follow the steps that my colleague described above you can achieve that. The best way to change the number of items is with the settings in the administration, not with CSS.

hristo wrote:


you have to edit this setting in your administration (you can find it under "all settings"):


Use the filter to find it and then look at its value. The default value should be this one:


You have to change 425 to 300.

This will render 2 products on small screens for all carousels on your site. There is no way to make this change to affect only the "Trending" carousel, it will affect all.

P.S. Of course, I assume that we are talking about the jCarousel Plugin since the forum post is about it. If you want to change the number of items per row in the product grids, not in carousels maybe you can write in another topic or submit a ticket throughout our ticketing system.  

6 years ago


Since nopCommerce Version 3.60 the payment methods are not included in DefaultClean and from that moment on we have stopped to include them in all the themes that we develop. For some themes, like Emporium, for example, you will see that such information is present. If you want to add them you will have to add the markup to the \Themes\Minimal\Views\Shared\Components\Footer\Default.cshtml file and the styling either in the styles.css file or in the Custom Head Styles textfield in the administration. If you like you can submit us a ticket via our Ticketing system and we can give you more info there.

6 years ago

toanhnt wrote:
Be able to add link to info boxes. There's no good just to see image and text, most of the time users would want to click on the image

Thank you for the suggestion. We will definitely consider what you suggest.