i am using several plugins (Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection),
and my custom CSS is getting loaded BEFORE the plugin's CSS,
so when i want to overwrite some things, i need to put " !important " in my CSS which is not a very good practice.
can i have my custom CSS loaded after the plugin's CSS ??
i want to be clear, i am NOT talking about nop default "styles.rtl.css",
i am talking about PLUGIN css.
my mistake, it works great.
i think there is a bug with tier prices and QuickView plugin.
i have a product that costs 7$
tier prices :
+2 : 5$
+3 : 4$
+4 : 3.5$
+5 : 3$
when i buy 1 item, the price i need to pay is 3$
when i buy 2 items, the price i need to pay, for each one is 3.5$
both are wrong.
please check.
the only problem right now,
that i need to give the carousel ALL the products, and only then i choose 10 random
so i think the performance might be damaged
because i needed to define 9999 in "Maximum number of items".
and this is the code regarding the rating.
Ron Palmer - thank you very much for sharing your code.
in the nopQuickTabs plugin folder navigate to the themes, select the theme you are using, then go to views > ProductTab> _ProductReviews.cshtml
Create a variable "int ReviewCount = Model.Items.Count;" under "int ratingPercent = review.Rating * 20;"
and then under <div style="width: @(ratingPercent)%"></div> add the following code.
@*hidden microdata info*@
decimal ratingValue = ratingPercent / (decimal)20;
<meta itemprop="ratingValue" style="display:none;" content="@ratingValue.ToString("0.0", new CultureInfo("en-US"))">
<span itemprop="reviewCount" style="display:none;">@ReviewCount</span>
i did a little hard-coded until it will be official.
and it assume that the first tab is full description
and the second is review
and no third tab.
@foreach (var pair in divs)
if (@pair.Key == "tabs-description")
<div id="@pair.Key" itemprop="description">
<div id="@pair.Key" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating">
i want to add a support for rich snippets / microdata with schema.org vocabulary
and i follow the changes in -
but in files :
Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.SingleVariant.cshtml, line 89
Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.VariantsInGrid.cshtml, line 63
there is a change for the full description, and this line is in comment because of QuickTabs.
so i guess i need to change the code of QuickTabs,
please explain what i need to change.
i would like to suggest a way to show RANDOM products,
the only problem in my way i will show below, that i did it for all the carousels, and i did some hard-coded values
so maybe you could implement it in a more correct way.
i added ALL my products to home page feature products,
and in the JCarousel.cshtml i did the following changes -
the code is too long, so i will just show the specific line i changed -
@if (Model.Items.Count > 0)
var RandItemsCount = 10;
var RandItems = Model.Items.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(RandItemsCount);
var skin = Model.Settings.Skin;
vertical: @Model.Settings.CarouselOrientation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower(),
rtl: @supportRtl.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower(),
start: @Model.Settings.StartIndex,
scroll: @Model.Settings.ScrollItems,
animation: @Html.Raw(animationSpeed),
auto: @Model.Settings.Autoscroll,
size: @RandItemsCount @*@Model.Items.Count*@
<ul id="@carouselHtmlElementId" class="jcarousel-skin-@skin">
@foreach (var item in RandItems @*Model.Items*@)
var jCarouselItemWidth = jQuery(jCarouselItem).css('width');
jCarouselItemWidth = jCarouselItemWidth.substring(0, jCarouselItemWidth.length - 2);
var itemsInTheCarousel = @RandItemsCount @*@Model.Items.Count*@;
var totalWidthOfAllItems = jCarouselItemWidth * itemsInTheCarousel;