
Profile: shayt


User posts

11 years ago

i think the carousel should swipe to the same direction, regardless of the RTL/LTR theme.

anyway -
remarking those lines you mentioned is NOT a solution, like i said, it will cause other problems.

i succeed to change it, but i need your help how to change that in the code :
in file JCarousel.cshtml
i did NOT change the supportRTL lines.
so it is still -

bool supportRtl = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IWorkContext>().WorkingLanguage.Rtl;
    if (supportRtl)
        Html.AppendCssFileParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel/Themes/" + Model.Theme + "/Skins/skin.rtl.css");                

but when i do inspect elements of the page i see.
there are two lines responsible to the arrows,
i just switch the next and prev words, and now it is working great.
the lines are -
<div class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-prev-horizontal" style="display: block;"></div>
<div class="jcarousel-next jcarousel-next-horizontal" style="display: block;"></div>

and i change them to -
<div class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-next-horizontal" style="display: block;"></div>
<div class="jcarousel-next jcarousel-prev-horizontal" style="display: block;"></div>

where in the code i can change that ???


11 years ago

any answer ?


11 years ago

i did it,
like i said, the direction was solved.

but now there are two problems like i mentioned in the prev comment.

please look at

and you will see the problem.


11 years ago

the direction solved,
but now there are two problems -
1. there is an empty space (because the float is left instead of right)
2. when you press on the right arrow, i don't see cycle of the products like i declared


11 years ago

if you look at
when you press on the right arrow, the items goes to the left
i want it to be also on my site (which is RTL theme), currently it goes to the right.

11 years ago

this is my site-

11 years ago

but it doesn't make sense.
when i click on the one of the arrows, i want it to scroll to the same direction even if i am using RTL theme.

can you please let me know how can i change that in the RTL theme ?
(maybe do it in a parameter so the user can choose)


11 years ago


how can i change the direction of the scrolling of the JCarousel ?
when i click on the next button of the JCarousel, it goes to the other direction.
i think it because i am using RTL theme.


12 years ago

shayt wrote:
ok, that was easy,
unfortunately, i thought by understand how to do that, i will succeed doing it for other things i wanted,
but no...

so my questions are -
1. can i put the product tags inside a quick-tab ?
2. i don't want to use ShortDescription (because i am using it), can i use AdminComment ?
(i tried, but i failed)


i still don't have a clue how to insert a different text for each product in one quick-tab.

another option - in version 2.80 i can create a custom attribute,
can a specific attribute (only one) can be the content of a quick tab ??


Version 2.80
12 years ago

when JCarousel will support version 2.80 ?
